Last Update: 5-23-01
Str- 10
Int- 25
Wis- 20
Dex- 25
Con- 15
Cha- 25
Hit Points- 18
Magic Points- 10
Hit Percentage- 20%
Evade Percentage- 15%
Level- 1
XP- 0
Gold- 4
Items- Scale mail armor
Large wooden shield (30 hp)
Heavy mace (1d8, crit x2, 18 hp)
Light Crossbow (1d8, crit x2)
Backpack with waterskin
One days trail rations
Flint and steel
Case with 10 crossbow bolts
Wooden holy symbol (sun disc of Pelor)
3 Torches
A Cleric Of corelia , his past mostly a mystery but he seems to be a bundle of nerves and hardly an adventurer.