Str- 25
Int- 20
Wis- 25
Dex- 25
Con- 25
Cha- 20
Hit Points- 16
Magic Points- 8
Hit Percentage- 25%
Evade Percentage- 20%
Level- 1
XP- 0
Gold- 6
Items- Leather armor
Large wooden shield (30 hp)
Scimitar (1d6, crit x2, 18 hp)
Club (oaken cudgel) (1d6, crit x2, 10 hp)
Sling (1d4, crit x2)
Backpack with waterskin
One days trail rations
Flint and steel
Pouch with 10 sling bullets
Holly and Mistletoe
3 Torches
Im a man of the land