Str- 25
Int- 25
Wis- 25
Dex- 25
Con- 25
Cha- 25
Hit Points- 71
Magic Points- 65
Hit Percentage- 50%/40%
Evade Percentage- 45%
Level- 12
XP- 68,000
Gold- Undisclosed
2 Quarterstaffs (1d6, crit x2, 20 hp)
Shortbow (1d6, crit x3)
Backpack with waterskin
One days trail rations
Flint and steel
10 Candles
Map Case
3 Pages of Parchment
Spell Compnent Pouch
Quiver with 20 Arrows
6 Torch
1 Canteen
Backpack with Camping Gear
1 Utility Knife (Not a Weapon)
1 Book of Knowledge
1 Dagger (1d4, crit x2, 10 hp)
2 Scimitars (1d6, crit x2, 18 hp)
1 Crystal value 500gp
1 Vial of White Blood
1 Painting of a woman in the state of undress
1 Dead plant /from a strange land
1 Vial of worm blood
24 empty vials with lids
1 cattail plant
1 Hydra tooth
1 6X6 Hydra Skin 30% soak
1 Tooth from each head of Chimera
1 Crystal (100gp)
1 Black Diamond (500gp)
1 Gem (1000gp)
1 +3MP healing ring
1 Full Nexus Mark (+5% Hit/Evade, +2 Con, Wis, Intel)
1 Poison Ivy Leaf
1 loremaster advanced spellbook
1 Loremaster Cloak of Protection (20% soak, -0% evade) If a cancel magic spell is used then the cloak loses its soak until the spell is used up
Necklace of Adaptation (allows wearer to breath normally in any atmosphere, including underwater)
Robe of Arachnia (allows wearer to stick to any surface like a spider)
2 45 foot Sailing ships Crew : Can be sailed with only 1 person, though best speed is reached with 4 deckhands
Speed : 8mph (1 person) 12mph (full crew) Oars : 4 (only used in still waters)
Masts : 1
Cargo : 5 tons (Teiyah also has access to both ships)
5sqm of land N side river bank, which holds 1 medium wharehouse (small office built into it) 1 warf 1 stand alone office 0.5sqm of Land S bank which holds 1 medium wharehouse (small office built into it) 1 warf
the 5sqm is from coast running 5 miles inland along river bank by 1 mile wide from river bank the 0.5 sqm is 1m long (along S river bank) by half a mile wide. It is located 3 miles inland, (so it takes all of the 4th mile from the coast for its area)
Tae has traveled many land's, wandering studying, trying to find a home.. hopefully this will be it