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The Cleric
The handiwork of the gods is everywhere, in places of natural beauty and in mighty crusades, in soaring temples, and in the hearts of worshipers. Like people, gods run the gamut from beneolent to malicious, reserved to intrusive, simple to inscrutable. The gods however, work mostly through intermediaries--their clerics. Good clerics heal, protect, and avenge. Evil clerics pillage, destroy, and sabotage. A cleric uses the power of his god to make his gods will manifest. And if a cleric uses his gods power to improve his own lot, that's to be expected, too.

Clerics are masters of divine magic. Divine magic is especially good at healing. Even an inexperienced cleric can bring people back from the brink of death, and an experienced cleric can even bring back people who have crossed over that brink.
As channelers of divine energy, clerics can turn away or even destroy undead creatures. An evil cleric, on the other hand, can bring undead under his control.
Clerics have some combat training. They can use simple weapons, and they are trained in the use of armor, since armor does not interfere with divine spells as it does with arcane spells.
Like the gods they serve, clerics can be of any alignment. Because people more readily worship good deities than neutral or evil deities, good clerics are more numerous than evil ones. Clerics also tend toward law instead of chaos, since lawful religions tend to be more structured and better able to recruit and train clerics.
Every common deity has clerics devoted to him or her, so clerics can be of any religion.
Clerics include members of all the common races, since the need for religion and divine magic is universal.
Special Abilities:
(Spells are cast the same as in an attacking roll)

Aid- At level 2 a cleric gains the ability to cast 1d8 healing on a single person. (2 magic points)

Meld into Stone- At level 2 a cleric is able to merge with stone for 1d12 rounds. (3 magic points)

Divine Power- At level 4 a cleric can use this spell to grant him/herself a temporary next level advancement for 1d6 rounds. (6 magic points)

Repel Vermin- At level 4 clerics use this to make insects stay 10 feet away for 1d4 days (2 magic points)

Unhallow- At level 8 clerics may use this to designate a holy area as unholy. (10 magic points)

Wall of Stone- At level 8 a cleric may use this to instantly erect a 10 foot tall wall of stone barrier that has 20 hit points. (8 magic points)

Regenerate- At level 10 a cleric can make a subjects severed limbs grow back with this spell. (10 magic points)

Resurrection- At level 10 a cleric can restore a dead subject (-10 to -19 hp's) to full health. (12 magic points)

Soul Bind- At level 10 this spell traps newly dead souls and prevents resurrection. (12 magic points)

Cleric Starting Package:
Scale mail armor
Large wooden shield (30 hp)
Heavy mace (1d8, crit x2, 18 hp)
Light Crossbow (1d8, crit x2)
Backpack with waterskin
One days trail rations
Flint and steel
Case with 10 crossbow bolts
Wooden holy symbol (sun disc of Pelor)
3 Torches
4 gp
Cleric Starting Hit Points and Magic Points:
18 hit points and 10 magic points
Cleric Attack and Evade Bonus as per Level:
LevelAttack PercentEvade PercentDamage Bonus