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Boccob (bock-obb) - Neutral, God of Magic
Corellon Larethian (Core-eh-lon lah-reth-ee-yen) - Chaotic Good, God of the Elves
Ehlonna (eh-loan-nuh) - Neutral Good, Goddess of the Woodlands
Erythnul (eh-rith-null) - Chaotic Evil, God of Slaughter
Garl Glittergold (garl gliht-er-gold) - Neutral, God of the Gnomes
Gruumsh (groomsh) - Lawful Evil, God of the Orcs
Heironeous (high-roe-nee-us) - Lawful Good, God of Valor
Hextor (heks-tore) - Lawful Evil, God of Tyranny
Kord (kord) - Chaotic Good, God of Strength
Moradin (moar-uh-din) - Lawful Good, God of the Dwarves
Nerull (nare-ul) - Neutral Evil, God of Death
Obad-Hai (oh-bod-high) - Neutral, God of Nature and Harmony
Olidammara (oh-lih-duh-mar-uh) - Chaotic Neutral, God of the Rogues
Pelor (pay-lore) - Neutral Good, God of the Sun
St. Cuthbert (saint cuhth-burt) - Lawful Neutral, God of Retribution
Vecna (veck-nuh) - Neutral Evil, God of Secrets
Wee Jas (wee-jass) - Lawful Neutral, Goddess of Death and Magic
Yondalla (yon-dahlah) - Lawful Good, Goddess of the Halflings