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Mysterian Combat

Questing and Duels/Spars-
These three things are how you gain experience points for your character. To gain xp you must be doing one of these while a host is present. Hosts are recognized by the letters GM on their nic. (***Anyone caught impersonating a staff member will be immediatly banned from the game***).

Questing is somewhat different in Mysteria, questers receive 200 xp an hour regardless of anything else. But You will notice on the monsters pages that there are xp bonuses for the individual that kills a particular creature.
Thats right, in other words, the Character that deals the death blow to a monster gets that creatures xp bonus.
Also, some creatures have treasure, gold will be divided up among the questers and shared equally. It is up to the questers to decide who gets gems or items.

Type 1 Treasure- 1d200 gp, 1 gem, 1 simple item.
Type 2 Treasure- 1d600 gp, 3 gems, 1 martial item.
Type 3 Treasure- 1d1000 gp, 6 gems, 1 exotic item.

In spars and duels players are awarded xp depending on whether or not they win or lose. In a spar both fighters receive 25 xp. But in a duel first a wager is made between the players, be it money or items. The winner claims the bet and gets 50 xp. The loser walks away with 25 xp.

Dice Rules-
When using the dice, first inititive must be determined by rolling 1d12. The lower number goes first and in the case of a tie the dice are rerolled until a lower number is determined.
Inititive can be either set or floating style. Set means the initive is determined once and the fighters simply attack in turn. Floating inititive means the 1d12 is rolled before each round to determine which fighter attacks first. During quests and duels, floating init will always be used.

Next is attacking,
You either hit your opponant skillfull or miss badly depending on your roll on a 1d100 . In order to hit your opponant you must roll lower than your hit percentage.
If you roll a 1 on a d100 while attacking...this is considered a powerful hit and it does massive damage. You opponant is not allowed to evade and any damage you roll is multiplied depending on what the attackers weapon was, (some weapons are multiplied by 2, 3 or even 4) and soak is not allowed.

But, there is a downside, if a 100 is rolled on a d100 while attacking this is considered a huge mistake on your part and you hit yourself. You cannot evade a self hit and any damage you roll is multiplied by the weapons crit and soak is once again not allowed.

Basically the same attacking. If your opponant hits you, you must roll d100 against your evade percentage to keep from being hit.

If you are hit then your soak comes into effect, this is the armor you wear and the percentage you have tells how much of the damage will be absorbed.
Example- If someone rolled 4 damage against a person with 30% soak then the damage total would be 3.

30% of 4 is 1.2
4 - 1.2 = 2.8
since the damage is higher than .5 it is rounded up to 3 total.
Had the damage been 2.4 or lower it would have been rounded down and the total would be 2 damage.

Double Attacks- After lvl 6 characters gain the ability to attack twice per round with 2 weapons. Provided that they are both ONE handed weapons. However, you are still able to use double attacks before lvl 6 if you are using one weapon and one body part. (head, fist, foot, elbow..etc...).

Punches and Kicks-
You do not neeed a weapon to do battle, you are allowed to use your fists and feet. They do 1d3 damage each.

Pinpointed Attacks and Massive Hits-
A pinpointed attack is when you state a certain area you wish to disable when attacking.(blind, break wrist etc..) It must be stated it is pinpointed or else it is considered a regular attack. If you attempt a pinpointed attack your hit % become 10% lower than regular for that particular attack. If you hit and your opponant does not evade then you must roll a 1d6 for rounds they are disabled. They are then at -10% hit and evade until the rounds are up. (***This type of pinpointed attack may only be used ONCE in quests and duels and NEVER in spars***)

The second type of pinpointed attack is a attempt to make your opponant drop a weapon. The same rules apply as before except that rounds do not apply. They may pick up their weapon on the next round but must forfeit their attack to do so. (***This type of attack may be used anytime and as many times as wished*** UNLESS your opponant has a gauntlat lock which prohibits them from dropping their weapon at all.)

Critical Hits-
This is when maximum damage has happened on your damage roll. If you roll a d10 for damage (for example) and receive a 10 then you would roll a d2 for crit damage. If a 1 comes up on the d2 then the opponant takes 10 dmg and there is no soak.
If a 2 comes up on the d2 then the damage is multiplied by 2 and their is no soak. (There are no critical hits when fighting unarmed unless you are a monk.)

Losing Your Hit Points-
Losing your hit points does not always mean you have died. For example-
0 to -9 Hit points means you have fallen unconcious.
-10 to -19 less Hit points means you are dead but there is the possibility of being healed.
-20 or more Hit points means you have been obliterated and there is no chance of healing.