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Monsters A
You will find that some of the creatures in this manual are large enough to swallow an adventurer whole. You will know this by the creatures stats if you see swallow whole listed under its abilities.
You can only be swallowed if you are bit first, if bitten by a creature with this ability, the creature gets a free roll with its attack % to see if you have been swallowed.
Once swallowed a character receives 1d8+8 points of crushing damage plus 1d8 points of acid damage per round until they either die or escape.
To escape, a character must deal 25 points of damage to a creatures gizzard from the inside only. Once escaped, muscular action closes the creatures wound.


The aboleth is a revolting fishlike amphibian found primarily in lakes and rivers. It despises all non-aquatic creatures and attempts to destroy them on sight.
Aboleths are both cruel and highly intelligent, making them very dangerous predators. They know many ancient and terrible secrets, for they inherit their parents' knowledge ar birth and assimilate the memories of those they consume.

Aboleths speak Common and Aquan

Challenge Rating- 7
Hit Points- 76
Soak- 20%
Evade- 30%
Attacks- 4 attacks per round, 35% attacking bonus
Damage- tentacles (1d6+9), bite (1d8+6)
Alignment- Usually lawful evil
Treasure Reward- Type 2 treasure


Achaierai are massive flightless birds that inhabit vast plains and are occasionally encountered elsewhere. They are evil, clever, and predatory, with a distinct taste for torture.
Standing some 15 feet tall, achaierai have plump bodies resembling quails' and four stork legs. Their soft feathers range in color through a wide variety of browns and earth tones. Their claws and beaks have a metallic glint.

Achaierai speak Infernal

Challenge Rating- 3
Hit Points- 39
Soak- 40%
Evade- 30%
Attacks- 2 attacks per round, 25% attacking bonus
Damage- claws (2d6+4), bite (4d6+2)
Alignment- Always lawful evil
Treasure Reward- Type 2 treasure


The Ankheg is a burrowing monster with a taste for fresh meat. One bite of its powerful mandibles can snap a small tree.
An Ankheg looks like a segmented worm or catepillar with six slender legs, each ending in a sharp claw. A tough exoskeleton, usuall yellow or brown, covers its whole body. It is about 10 feet long and weighs about 800 pounds.

Ankhegs speak no languages

Challenge Rating- 3
Hit Points- 25
Soak- 50%
Evade- 20%
Attacks- 1 attack per round, 30% attacking bonus
Damage- bite (2d6+7)
Alignment- Always neutral
Treasure Reward- none


The Arenea is a large, powerful, and intelligent spider.
Its body is about 3 feet across, its legs span 7 feet, and it weighs about 150 pounds. An odd shaped hump on its back houses its brain. A pair of mandibles sprout from the front of its body. Two small arms, each about 2 feet long, lie below the mandibles. Each arm has a hand with four many-jointed fingers and a double-jointed thumb.

Areneas speak Common and Sylvan.

Challenge Rating- 3
Hit Points- 19
Soak- 10%
Evade- 25%
Attacks- 2 attacks per round, 30% attacking bonus
Damage- bite (1d6 and roll against AC for poison)
Poison- If one is poisoned, he/she loses 1d4 per round until healed by Venom Antidote only.
Alignment- Usually neutral
Treasure Reward- Type 1 treasure


Arrowhawks are predators and scavengers from the elemental plane of air. They are consummate fliers that spend their entire lives on the wing.
An arrowhawk has a sinuous snakelike body with a long neck and tail. Its central body is bulbous and has two pairs of yellow feathered wings, one on top and another on the bottom. The head has a black toothed beak and four eyes, one pair above the beak and the other below.

Arrowhawks speak Auran but are not talkative.

Challenge Rating- 5
Hit Points- 38
Soak- 25%
Evade- 35%
Attacks- 1 attack per round, 40% attacking bonus
Damage- bite (1d8+2)
Alignment- Always neutral
Treasure Reward- none


The assassin vine is a semimoblie plance that collects its own grisly fertilizer by grabbing and crushing animals and depositing the carcasses near its roots
The mature plant consists of a main vine as thick as a human's forearm and about 20 feet long. Smaller vines up to 5 feet long branch off from the main vine about every 6 inches. These vines bear clusters of leaves shaped curiously like human hands, and in late sumer they produce bunches of small fruits that resemble wild grapes. The woody parts of the vine are coiled and gnarled, covered with brown, stringy bark, making the whole plant resemble a robust grapevine. The fruit is tough and has a hearty flavor, but is widely believed to be poisonous.

Assassin Vines speak no language.

Challenge Rating- 3
Hit Points- 30
Soak- 10%
Evade- none
Attacks- 1 attack per round, 30% attacking bonus
Damage- Slam or strangle (1d6+3)
Alignment- Always neutral
Treasure Reward- Type 2


The athach is a hulking, misshapen biped. Its flabby, pear-shaped body has a third arm growing from its chest. Immensely strong, an athach can hammer most opponents to gory paste.
An athach has a wide, slobbering mouth. Curving tusks like a boar's jut from its lower jaw. Its other teeth are small and peglike. It has tiny eyes, a small nose, and lopsided ears: one huge, one tiny. An athach dresses in shabby rags and furs. It rarely bathes, and smells particularaly foul. An adult stands some 18 feet tall and weighs about 4,500 pounds.

Athach speaks a crude dialect of giant.

Challenge Rating- 7
Hit Points- 133
Soak- 45%
Evade- 30%
Attacks- 3 attack per round, 60% attacking bonus
Damage- Huge club (2d6+4), Huge fists (2d6)
Alignment- Often Chaotic Evil
Treasure Reward- Type 1


Azers are dwarves native to the Elemental Plane of Fire.
They have metallic, brass-colored skin, and flames lick their heads where a normal dwarf would have hair and a beard. They wear kilts of brass, bronze, or copper.

Azers speak Ignan and Common.

Challenge Rating- 2
Hit Points- 11
Soak- 10%
Evade- 15%
Attacks- 1 attack per round, 35% attacking bonus
Damage- Warhammer (1d8), or Halfspear (1d8)
Alignment- Always Lawful Neutral
Treasure Reward- Type 1


Monster Pages