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Monsters S

Sahuagin are marine predators that are superbly adapted to undersea hunting. Also known as sea devils, thses beings dwell in coastal waters, forming organized groups that raid shore communities.
Most sahuagin feature gren coloration, darker along the back and lighter n the belly. Many have dark stripes, bands, or spots, but these tend tofade with age. their great, staring eyes are deep black. They have scaly skin with webbed ingers and toes and their mouths are filled wth sharp fangs. An adult male sahuagin stands roughly 6 feet tall and weighs about 200 pounds.

Sahuagins speak no language

Challenge Rating- 2
Hit Points- 11
Armor Class-
Alignment- Always lawful evil
Treasure Reward-


Satyrs, also known as fauns, are hedonistic creatures that frolic in the wild places of the world. The love find foor, strong drink, and passionate romance.
A satyr might best be descbed as a horned man with the legs of a goat. Its hair is red r chestnut brown, while its hooves and horns are jet black. Satyrs are far more likely to be found carrying musical instruments or bottles of wine thean weapons.

Satyrs speak no language.

Challenge Rating- 2 (without pipes) or 4 (with pipes)
Hit Points- 22
Armor Class-
Alignment- Usually chaotic neutral
Treasure Reward-


Thses predators inhabit shallow coastal waters, making thei lairs in undersea caves or in the wreckage of hips. They hunt for fish, aquatic mammals, sea birds, and anything else they can catch and kill. Sea lions are aggressively territorial, attacking any creature, regardless of size, that enters their domain. Their chief enemies and competitors are sharks, and sea lions go out of their way to attack them.
A sea lion is a fearsome aquatic creature with the head and forepaws of lion and the body and tail of a fish. A typical sea lion is 12 feet long and weighs 800 pounds.

Sea lions speak no language.

Challenge Rating- 4
Hit Points- 51
Armor Class-
Alignment- Always neutral
Treasure Reward-


Shadows are creatures of living darkness, hating life and light with equal fervor. Their touch bestows the painful chill of nonexistence, making them very dangerous opponents.
Shadows, as one might expect, look like shadows. they are more or less humanoid in shape, difficult to see in dark or gloomy areas but standing out starkly in brightly illuminated places.

Shadows speak no language.

Challenge Rating- 3
Hit Points- 19
Armor Class-
Alignment- Always chaotic evil
Treasure Reward-


Shadow mastiffs are great, black hounds that prowl the night, seeking any prey they can find. Their native plane is a place of shadow.
A shadow mastiff is as large as a St. Bernard, with a smooth coat and a sleek body.

Shadow mastiffs speak no language.

Challenge Rating- 5
Hit Points- 30
Armor Class-
Alignment- Always neutral evil
Treasure Reward-


The carnivorous shambler is almost totally silent and invisible in its natural surroundings, often catching opponents flat-footed. It may lie partially submerged in a shallow bog, waiting patiently for some creature to walk onto it. Shamblers move easily through water as well, and they have been known to sneak into the camps of unsuspecting travelers at night.
Shambling mounds, or shamblers, appear to be heaps of rotting vegetation. They are actually intelligent plants, with a roughly humanoid shape and a brainlike control center in the "chest." A shambler's loower haf has an 8 foot girth, tapering to about 2 feet at its "head."

Shamblers speak no language

Challenge Rating- 6
Hit Points- 60
Armor Class-
Alignment- Always neutral
Treasure Reward-


Created by spellcasters to be bodyguards, shield guardians are constructs that protect their masters with spells and stamina.
A sheild guardian is an imposing humanoid figure of metal, wod, and stone that, when fashioned, iskeyed to a particular amulet. Henceforth, it reards the wearer of that amulet to be its master, protecting and following that person everywhere unless specifically commanded not to do so).

Shield guardians speak no language.

Challenge Rating- 8
Hit Points- 82
Armor Class-
Alignment- Always neutral
Treasure Reward-


The shocker lizard is a sleek reptile whose body can generate intense electical shocks.
A shocker lizard has a bullet-shaped head sporting a large pair of horns thatsweep back from the sides like spiky ears. A similiar structure appears on the tip of the tail. The crature has a pale gray or blue underside, shading to a darker hue on its back. It has blue-black markings along its back and tail.

Shocker lizards speak no language.

Challenge Rating- 2
Hit Points- 13
Armor Class-
Alignment- Usually neutral
Treasure Reward-


Skum are misbegotten creatures created by aboleths to serve as beasts of burden and slaves. they are derived from human stock, making them even more loathsome.
Skum look exactly lke what they are: an abominable crossbreed of human and fish. Their finds have grown into twisted arms and legs; their bent backs are crowned with a long, spiny frill. A slender, muscular tail makes thempowerful swimmers, while bulbous eyes give them ood vision both in and out of the water.

Skum speak Aquan

Challenge Rating- 2
Hit Points- 11
Armor Class-
Alignment- Always lawful evil
Treasure Reward-


Spectres are incorporeal undead often mistaken for ghosts or other such horrors. they haunt the places where they died, retaining their sentience but now hating all living things.
A spectre looks so much as it did in life thatit can be easily reognized by those who knew the individual or have seen the individual in paintings and such. In many cases, the evidence of a violent death is visible on its semitransparent, faintly luminous body. The chil of death hagns in the air around spectres and lingers in the places they haunt.

Spectres speak no language.

Challenge Rating- 7
Hit Points- 45
Armor Class-
Alignment- Always lawful evil
Treasure Reward-


These predators resemble great hornets and have temperaments to match. Never theless, they are valued as flying steeds. A company of bandits mounted on spider eaters is fearsome indeed.
A spider eater resembles a giant, two-legged wasp with a pair of small forelimbs and huge bat wings. The creature gets its name from its ability to shrug of webs and its habit of laying eggs in the paralyzed bodies of enormous creatures, often arachnids.

Spider eaters speak no language.

Challenge Rating- 5
Hit Points- 42
Armor Class-
Alignment- Always neutral
Treasure Reward-


Stirges are batlike creatures that feed on the blood of living beings. While just one poses little danger to most adventurers, miltiple stirges can be a formidable threat.
A stirge resembles a cross between a bat and a giant mosquito. It has membranous bat wings, a short furry body, eight jointed legs that end in sharp pincers, and a needlelike proboscis. Coloration ranges from rust-red to reddish-brown, with a dirty yellow underside. the proboscis is pink at the tip, fading to gray at its base. A strige's body is about 1 foot long, with a wingspan of about 2 feet.

Stirges speak no language.

Challenge Rating- 1/2
Hit Points- 5
Armor Class-
Alignment- Always neutral
Treasure Reward-


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