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Monsters W - Z

In ages past, the term "wight" meant simply "man." As the years went by, however, the word came to be associated with these dark undead.
A wight's appearnace is a weird and twisted reflection of the form it had in life. Wild, frantic eyes burn with malevolence. The leathery, desiccated flesh is drawn tight across its bones, and the teeth have grown into sharp, jagged needles.

Wight's speak no language

Challenge Rating- 3
Hit Points- 26
Armor Class-
Alignment- Alwayf lawful evil
Treasure Reward-


Will-o'-wisps are evil cratures that feed on the powerful emotions associated with panic, horror, and death. They delight in luring travelers into deadly peril, then absorbing the resulting emanations.
Unless fightened, a will-o'-wisp appears as a faintly glowing sphere of yellow, white, green, or blue light. The creatures are easily mistaken for lanterns, especially in the foggy marshes and swamps where they reside. A will-o'-wisp is a globe of semisolid vapor about 1 foot across and weighing about 3 pounds, and its glowing body sheds as much light as a torch. It has no vocal apparatus but can vibrate to create a ghostly voice.

Will-o'-wisps speak Common and Auran

Challenge Rating- 6
Hit Points- 40
Armor Class-
Alignment- Always chaotic evil
Treasure Reward-


Dangerous predators of the tundra and other chill regions, winger wolves pursue prey relentlessly. they rarely give up the chase until the bring down their quarry.
The crature resembles a huge, white wolf with icy blue eyes. It grows about 8 feet long and stands about 4 1/2 feet at the shoulder.

Winter wolves speak Giant and Common

Challenge Rating- 5
Hit Points- 51
Armor Class-
Alignment- Usually neutral evil
Treasure Reward-


Worgs are dire wolf offshoots that have attained some intelligence and an evil disposition. they sometimes associate with other evil beings, particularly goblins, whom they serve as mounts and guardians.
A worg looks like a ck or gray wolf, with a maleolent intelligence in its face and eyes. the typical specimen grows to 5 feet long and stands 3 feet tall at the shoulder.

Worgs speak their own language, some can also speak Common and Goblin.

Challenge Rating- 2
Hit Points- 30
Armor Class-
Alignment- Always neutral evil
Treasure Reward-


Wraiths are incorporeal creatures born of evil and darkness. They depise all livng things, as well as the light that nurtures them
Although composed of darkness, wraiths are more or less humanoid in shape. They are utterly featureless except for the glowing red pinpoints of their eyes. In some cases, the grim silhouette of a wraith might appear armored or outfitted with weapons. This does not affect the creature's combat abilities but only reflects the shape it had in life.

Wraiths speak no language

Challenge Rating- 5
Hit Points- 32
Armor Class-
Alignment- Always lawful evil
Treasure Reward-


A distant cousin to the dagon, the wyvern is a huge flying lizard with a poisonous stinger in its tail.
The 30-foot-long, dark brown to gray body of the wyvern is half tail, tipped with a thick knot of cartilage from which a stinger protrudes much like that of a scorpion. Its leathery bat wings measure over 50 feet from tip to tip. The huge jaws are filled with long, sharp teeth, and the eyes are red or orange. Unlike a dragon, it has only hind legs, which it uses as a hunting bird would. A wyvern does not have a stng odor, although its lair m ight smell of a recent kill. These beeasts can make two sounds a loud hiss and a deep-throated growl much like that of a bull alligator.

Some wyverns speak Draconic, but most are too stupid to understand any language

Challenge Rating- 6
Hit Points- 59
Armor Class-
Alignment- Usually neutral
Treasure Reward-


Malevolent and extreme, xills are known for brutality and totalitarianism. They combine a healthy does of evil with a keen love of cruelty.
A xill is quasireptilian, with four arms, bright red scales, and dark, penetrating eyes. It stand 4 to 5 feet tall and weighs about 10 pounds. Some xills are barbaric and fierce; others are more civilized creatures who rely on brutal order.

Xills speak no language

Challenge Rating- 6
Hit Points- 32
Armor Class-
Alignment- Always lawful evil
Treasure Reward-


These fearsome flying hounds glide low over the countryside at night, seeking likely.
A yeth hound looks something like an oversized greyhound with dull black fur It stands 5 feet tall at the shoulder and weighs about 400 pounds. Its eyes glow cherry red.

Yeth hounds speak no language

Challenge Rating- 3
Hit Points- 19
Armor Class-
Alignment- Always neutral evil
Treasure Reward-


A strange predator from desolate wastelands, theyrthak terrorizes the area it inhabits as an always hungry dragon might.
Reptilian with flesh wings, a long tail, and large fin on its bac, an yrthak is blind. It senses sound and movement with a special organ on its long tongue. A single horlike protrustion on its crocodilian head emits poerfully focused beams of sound. The entrie creature is a yellowish green color, with the wings and fin being more yellow and the head and body more green. The teeth are yellow.

Yrthaks speak no language

Challenge Rating- 9
Hit Points- 102
Armor Class-
Alignment- Often neutral
Treasure Reward-


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