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Monsters C

Carrion crawlers are aggressive subterranean scavengers, greatly feared for their paralyzing attacks. They scour their underground territory for dead and decaying flesh but also attack and kill living creatures.
The crawler's multilegged and segmented body grows to about 9 feet long and looks like a cross between a giant green cut-worm and a ceplopod. Eight sleer tentacles protrude from its head, directly above its mandibles. EAch tentacle is about 2 feet long and secretes a sticky, paralyzing substance. A rank odor often accompanies the creature and warns adventurers of its approach. Like so many other hybrid monsters, the carrion crawler may well be the result of genetic experimentation.

Carrion crawlers speak no language.

Challenge Rating- 4
Hit Points- 19
Soak- 15%
Evade- 30%
Attacks- 2 attacks per round, 40% attacking bonus
Damage- tentacles (paralyze for 1d4 rounds, no dmg), bite (1d4+1)
Alignment- Always Neutral
Treasure Reward- none


These horrific creatues have muatable, everchanging forms. Their deadly touch can make opponents melt into formless goo.
There's no telling what a chaos beast will look like. One moment it might be a towering horror of hooks and fangs, all pulpy flesh and exposed veins, and the next , a slithering mass of ropy, vermilion-tipped tentacles. A moment later it may be a bulbous thing with ten eyes swimming in a viscous sac at the top of the body, in turn surrounded by a ring of smacking mouths, then become a mighty creature, all muscle and fury. A chaos beast's dimensions vary, but it weighs about 200 pounds.

Chaos beasts do not speak.

Challenge Rating- 5
Hit Points- 44
Soak- 30%
Evade- 40%
Attacks- 4 attacks per round, 45% attacking bonus
Damage- claws (1d4+2), bite (1d6+2)
Alignment- Always Chaotic Neutral
Treasure Reward- none


The chimera is a bizarre, three-headed predator that hunts on the ground and on the wing. It can defeat even the hardies opponent with a flurry of claws and fangs.
A chimera has the hindquarters of a large black goat and the forequarters of a great lion. It has brownish-black dragon wings and the heads of a goat, a lion, and a fierce dragon. The pictch-black goat head has glowing amber eyes and a long ochre horns. the maneless lion head has green eyes. The scaly dragon head has black eyes, and the scales might be black, blue, green, red, or white. The ceature is about 5 feet tall at the shoulder, nearly 10 feet long, and weighs about 4,00 pounds.

Chimeras can speak Draconic..

Challenge Rating- 7
Hit Points- 76
Soak- 40%
Evade- 30%
Attacks- 3 attacks per round, 45% attacking bonus
Damage- claws (1d6+2), bite (2d6)
Alignment- Usually chaotic evil
Treasure Reward- Type 1 treasure


These vicious little predators lurk underground, grabbing whatever prey happens by.
A choker has mottled gray or stony brown flesh. It looks humanoid at first glance: the head and torso are as small and compact as a halfling's, but the arms and legs (and fingers and toes) are incredibly spindly and long. The hands and feet have spiny pads that help the choker grip almost any surface. The creature weighs about 35 pounds. The choker's skll, spine, and rib cage are bony, but its limbs are really tentacles iwth multiple knobby joints of cartilage. Thus it appears bowlegged, and its movements seem peculiar and fluid.

Chokers speak Undercommon.

Challenge Rating- 2
Hit Points- 16
Soak- 10%
Evade- 20%
Attacks- 1 attack per round, 30% attacking bonus
Damage- tentacle slap (1d3+3)
Alignment- Usually chaotic evil
Treasure Reward- Type 1 treasure


A horrible mix of crustacean, insect, and serpent, the chuul is an abomination that lurks submerged or partially submerged, awaiting intelligent prey to devour.
A chuul has huge pincerlike claws, four webbed legs, a wide tail, and a mandibled mouth surrounded by squirming tentacles. Its entire body is encased in an orange and black carapace

Chuuls do not speak.

Challenge Rating- 7
Hit Points- 93
Soak- 50%
Evade- 20%
Attacks- 2 attacks per round, 40% attacking bonus
Damage- claws (2d6+2)
Alignment- Usually lawful evil
Treasure Reward- Type 2 treasure


Clakers are bizarre creatures that lurk in dark places far beneath the surface. They kill intruders without remorse or pause, except to plan cruel amusement.
When resting or lying in wait, these creatures are almost impossible to distinguish from common black cloaks. Black eyespots in a row on the back resemble buttons, and the cloarker's ivory claws look very much like bone clasps. Only when it unfurls, revealing its wide, toothy mouth and piercing red eyes, does the horrific nature of the creature become apparent. Cloakers pursue their own mysterious goals. While they are certainly intelligent, their minds work in a way so alien that few if any human beings have ever been able to make meaningful contact with them.

Cloakers do not speak.

Challenge Rating- 5
Hit Points- 45
Soak- 20%
Evade- 35%
Attacks- 2 attacks per round, 35% attacking bonus
Damage- tail slap (1d6), bite (1d6+2)
Alignment- Usually chaotic neutral
Treasure Reward- Type 1 treasure


The cockatrice is an eerie, repulsive hybrid of lizard, coockerel, and bat. It is infamous for its ability to turn flesh to stone.
A cockatrice is about the size of a large goose or turkey. It has the head and body of a cockerel, bat wings, and the long tail of a lizard, tipped with a few feathers. The cockatrice's wattles, comb, and eyes are bright red. Its beak is yellow, itws wings gray, its tail green, and its feathers golden brown. Females, much rarer then males, differ only in that they have no wattles or comb.

Cockatrices do not speak.

Challenge Rating- 3
Hit Points- 27
Soak- 15%
Evade- 40%
Attacks- 2 attacks per round, 25% attacking bonus
Damage- bite (1d4+2)
Alignment- Always neutral
Treasure Reward- none


The couatl is legendar yfor its sheer beauty, vast magical poers, and unwavering virtue. Its intelligence and goodness have made it an object of feverence in the regions it inhabits.
The couatl is one of the most beautiful creatues in existence: it has the body of a serpent and feathered wings the color of the rainbow. The creature is about 12 feet long, with a wingspan of about 15 feet. It weighs about 1,800 pounds.

Couatls speak Common, Draconic, and Celestial and also have the power of telepathy..

Challenge Rating- 10
Hit Points- 58
Soak- 35%
Evade- 40%
Attacks- 2 attacks per round, 55% attacking bonus
Damage- bite (2d8+6)
Alignment- Always lawful good
Treasure Reward- Type 2 treasure


Monster Pages