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Monsters G

A gargoyle is a vicious flying predator that enjoys torturing creatures weaker than itself.
Gargoyles appear to be winged stone statues, for they can perch indefinitely without moving and use this disguise to surprise their foes. They require no food, water, or air but often eat their fallen foes out of fondness for inflicting pain. When not enjoying their favorite pastime, a gang of gargoyles can be found waiting silently for prey or bragging among themselves.

Gargoyles speak Common and Terran.

Challenge Rating- 4
Hit Points- 38
Soak- 45%
Evade- 40%
Attacks- 2 attacks per round, 45% attacking bonus
Damage- bite (1d6), claws (1d4)
Alignment- Always chaotic evil
Treasure Reward- Type 1 treasure


Giant eagles are intelligent, keen-eyed birds of prey that sometimes associate with good creatures.
A typical giant eagle stands about 10 feet tall, has a wingspan of up to 20 feet, and resembles its smaller cousins in nearly every way exept size.

Giant eagles speak Common and Auran.

Challenge Rating- 3
Hit Points- 26
Soak- 10%
Evade- 65%
Attacks- 1 attack per round, 35% attacking bonus
Damage- bite (1d8+2), claws (1d6+4)
Alignment- Usually neutral good
Treasure Reward- none


Giant owls are nocturnal birds of prey, feared for their ability to hunt and attack in near silence. They are intelligent, and though naturally suspicious, sometimes associate with good creatures.
A typical giant owl stands about 9 feet tall, has a wingspan of up to 20 feet, and resembles its smaller cousins in nearly every way exept size.

Gargoyles speak Common and Sylvan.

Challenge Rating- 3
Hit Points- 26
Soak- 10%
Evade- 65%
Attacks- 1 attack per round, 35% attacking bonus
Damage- bite (1d8+2), claws (1d6+4)
Alignment- Usually neutral good
Treasure Reward- none


A gibbering mouther is a horrible creature seemingly drawn from a lunatic's nightmares. Although not evil, it thirsts after bodily fluids and seems to prefer the blood of intelligent creatures.
It is difficult to describe the mouther. While its body has the form and fluid motion of an amoeba, its surface has the color (but not the consistency) of human flesh. Countless eyes and toothy mouths constantly form and disappear all over the creature, often retreating into its body even as they become apparent. Sometimes their arrangement resembles a face, but just as often they have no relationship to one another.

Gibbering mouthers can speak Common.

Challenge Rating- 5
Hit Points- 22
Soak- 20%
Evade- 15%
Attacks- 2 attacks per round, 50% attacking bonus
Damage- bite (1d8+4), Gibbering (all within earshot of a gibbering mouther must succeed in an Intelligence save or be confused and unable to attack or defend for 1d6 rounds)
Alignment- Usually neutral
Treasure Reward- none


Girallons are savage cousins of the gorilla. They are aggressive, bloodthirsty, highly territorial, and incredibly strong.
These creatures look very much like albino gorillas at first glance, but even a casual observer will note their four arms. Adults of both sexes are about 8 feet tall, broadchested, and covered in thick pure white fur. When moving on the ground, they walk on their legs and lower arms. They have razor-sharp teeth and long, ripping claws.

Girallons speak no language.

Challenge Rating- 5
Hit Points- 52
Soak- 15%
Evade- 45%
Attacks- 4 attacks per round, 50% attacking bonus
Damage- bite (1d8+4), claws (1d4+8)
Alignment- Always chaotic evil
Treasure Reward- none


Gnolls are hyena-heades, evil humanoids that wander in loose tribes.
A gnoll stands 7 1/2 feet tall, with greenish-gray skin, a furry body, and a head like a hyena's, with a reddish gray to dirty yellow mane. It is a nocturnal carnivore, preferring intelligent creatures for food because they scream more. Gnolls tend to think with their stomachs, and any alliances they make (usually bugbear, hobgoblins, orgres, orcs, or trolls) often fall apart when the gnolls get hungry. They dislike giants and most other humanoids, and they distain manual labor. They do not like bright light, but it causes no harm to them.

Gnolls speak Gnoll and sometimes Goblin or Orc.

Challenge Rating- 1
Hit Points- 11
Soak- 30%
Evade- 45%
Attacks- 1 attack per round, 35% attacking bonus
Damage- battleaxe (1d8+2)
Alignment- Usually chaotic evil
Treasure Reward- Type 1 treasure


Goblins are small humanoids that many consider little more than a nuisance. However, if they are unchecked, their great numbers, rapid reproduction, and evil dispositions enable them to overrun and despoil civilized areas.
Goblins have flat faces, broad noses, pointed ears, wide mouths, and small, sharp fangs. Their foreheads slope back, and their eyes are usually dull and glazed, varying in color from red to yellow. They walk upright, but their arms hang down almost to their knees. Goblins' skin color ranges from yellow through any shade of orange to a deep red; usually all members of a single tribe are about the same color. They wear clothing of dark leather, tending toward drab soiled-looking colors.

Goblins speak Goblin or Common.

Challenge Rating- 1
Hit Points- 4
Soak- 10%
Evade- 55%
Attacks- 1 attack per round, 45% attacking bonus
Damage- morningstar (1d8)
Alignment- Usually neutral evil
Treasure Reward- Type 1 treasure


Gorgons are bull-like creatures that guard their territory fiercely. They are fond of rocky areas, especially underground labyrinths.
A typical gorgon stands over 6 feet tall at the shoulder and measures 8 feet from snout to tail. Although built like a bull, the gorgon is covered with metallic black scales and has silver horns. Its eyes burn red, giving the impression of two hot coals set beneath its heavy brow.

Gorgons speak no language.

Challenge Rating- 8
Hit Points- 68
Soak- 70%
Evade- 25%
Attacks- 1 attack per round, 65% attacking bonus
Damage- Gore (1d8+7)
Alignment- Always neutral
Treasure Reward- none


Bestial and savage, the gray render is a deadly predator found in remote wilderness areas.
These beasts are thought to be composed of dense muscle and bone, granting them the strength and stamina of a giant. A gray render stands 9 feet tall, despite its stooped frame, and 4 feet broad. Its hairless skin is a uniform dull gray, and its sloped forehead bears six small, yellowish eyes. The mouth is wide and powerful, filled with black teeth.

Gray renders speak no language.

Challenge Rating- 8
Hit Points- 125
Soak- 50%
Evade- 35%
Attacks- 2 attacks per round, 45% attacking bonus
Damage- bite (2d6+6), claws (1d6+3)
Alignment- Usually neutral
Treasure Reward- none


Gricks are stealthy underground predators that infest dungeons, caves, and other shadowed places under the earth, waiting patiently for prey to come within reach.
A grick's body grows to a length of about 3 feet, and its tentacles add another 2 feet to its overall length. An adult creature weighs some 200 pounds. Its body coloration is uniformly dark, shading to dull gray on its underbelly. The monster's tentacles, located on its head just above its jaws, are segmented like the body of an earthworm and are the color of dark mud.

Gricks speak no language.

Challenge Rating- 3
Hit Points- 9
Soak- 10%
Evade- 25%
Attacks- 4 attacks per round, 45% attacking bonus
Damage- bite (1d3+1), tentacle rake (1d4+2)
Alignment- Usually neutral
Treasure Reward- Type 1 treasure


Griffons are powerful majestic creatures with the characteristics of both lions and eagles. They prey on all manner of beasts but favor the flesh of horses above all else.
The body of the griffon resembles that of a muscular lion. Its head and front legs are those of an eagle. From nose to tail, an adult griffon can measure as much as 8 feet. Neither males nor females are endowed with a mane. A pair of broad, golden wings emerge from the creature's back and span 25 feet or more.

Griffons speak no language.

Challenge Rating- 4
Hit Points- 59
Soak- 30%
Evade- 65%
Attacks- 2 attacks per round, 55% attacking bonus
Damage- bite (1d6+4), claws (1d4+2)
Alignment- Always neutral
Treasure Reward- none


Grimlocks are muscular humanoids with thick, gray, scaly skin and no visible eyes. Though blind, they have superior sense of smell and hearing to compensate.

Grimlocks speak no language.

Challenge Rating- 1
Hit Points- 11
Soak- 15%
Evade- 35%
Attacks- 1 attack per round, 35% attacking bonus
Damage- battleaxe (1d8+3)
Alignment- Always neutral evil
Treasure Reward- Type 2 treasure


Monster Pages