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Monsters H - K

A more malignant and wretched creature than the harpy is difficult to imagine. Taking great glee in causing suffering and death, the sadistic harpy is always watching for new victims.
A harpy resembles an evil-faced old human with the lower body, legs, and wings of a birdlike dinosaur. Its hair is tangled and filthy, crusted with the blood of its victims. A harpy's coal-black eyes clearly reflect its evil soul, as do the wicked talons on its knotty fingers. These vile creatures wear no clothing and often wield large, heavy bones as though they were clubs.

Harpy's speak no language.

Challenge Rating- 4
Hit Points- 31
Soak- 35%
Evade- 40%
Attacks- 2 attacks per round, 45% attacking bonus
Damage- club (1d4), claws (1d3)
Alignment- Usually chaotic evil
Treasure Reward- Type 1 treasure


Hell hounds are aggressive, fire-breathing canines of extraplanar origin. Specimens are frequently brought to the Material plane to serve evil beings, and many have established indigenous breeding populations.
A hell hound resembles a large, powerfully built dog with short, rust-red or reddish-brown fur; its markings, teeth, and tongue are sooty black. It is easily distinguished from normal hounds by its red, glowing eyes. A typical hell hound stands 4 1/2 feet high at the shoulder and weighs 120 pounds.

Hell hounds do not speak but understand Infernal.

Challenge Rating- 3
Hit Points- 22
Soak- 35%
Evade- 45%
Attacks- 1 attack per round, 45% attacking bonus
Damage- bite (1d8+1)
Alignment- Always lawful evil
Treasure Reward- none


Hippogriffs are aggressive flying creatures that combine features of horses and giant eagles. Voracious omnivores, hippogriffs will hunt humanoids as readily as any other meal.
A hippogriff has the torso and hindquarters of a horse and the forelegs, wings, and head of a giant eagle. A typical specimen grows to 9 feet long, has a wingspread of 20 feet, and weighs 1,000 pounds.

Hippogriffs speak no language.

Challenge Rating- 2
Hit Points- 25
Soak- 15%
Evade- 45%
Attacks- 2 attacks per round, 30% attacking bonus
Damage- bite (1d8+2), claws (1d4+4)
Alignment- Always neutral
Treasure Reward- none


Hobgoblins are larger cousins of goblins. They are far more aggressive and organized than their smaller relatives and wage a perpetual war with other humanoids, particularly elves.
Hobgoblins are burly humanoids standing 6 1/2 feet tall. Their hairy hides range in coloration from dark reddish-brown to dark gray, with dark or red-orange skin. Large males have blue or red noses. Hobgoblin eyes are yellowish or dark brown, while their teeth are yellow. Their garments tend to be brightly colored, often blood red with black-tinted leather. Hobgoblin weaponry is kept polished and in good repair.

Hobgoblins speak Goblin and Common.

Challenge Rating- 1
Hit Points- 5
Soak- 45%
Evade- 30%
Attacks- 1 attack per round, 40% attacking bonus
Damage- longsword (1d8)
Alignment- Usually lawful evil
Treasure Reward- Type 1 treasure


Howlers live in dark planes where chaos and evil hold sway. These beasts hunt in packs, racing through caverns to wear down their prey and rend it to bits.
Long-legged and spiky-haired, howlers are bestially humanoid in appearance. Although they are suprisingly intelligent, howlers do not speak - they only howl. If there is a language within the howls, as some have suggested, even spells cannot decipher it.

Howlers speak no known language.

Challenge Rating- 3
Hit Points- 39
Soak- 25%
Evade- 35%
Attacks- 2 attacks per round, 45% attacking bonus
Damage- bite (2d8+5), quills (1d4), howl (This sonic mid affecting attack removes 5% from an opponans hit and evade if subject fails a Constitution check.)
Alignment- Always chaotic evil
Treasure Reward- none


Invisable stalkers are creatures native to the Elemental Plane of Air. They sometimes serve wizards and sorcerers, who summon them to fulfill specific tasks.
Invisable stalkers have an amorphous form. Looking closly shows only a dim outline of a cloud, while a true seeing spell reveals a rolling coud of vapor.

Invisable stalkers speak only Auran but can understand Common.

Challenge Rating- 7
Hit Points- 52
Soak- 10%
Evade- 40%
Attacks- 1 attack per round, 55% attacking bonus
Damage- slam (2d6+6) Special- Due to creatures invisibility, attackers must succeed in an intelligence check to be able to see it to attack.
Alignment- Usually neutral
Treasure Reward- none


Kobolds are short, reptilian humanoids with cowardly and sadistic tendencies.
A kobold's scaly skin ranges from dark rusty brown to a rusty black color. It has two small light-colored horns on its doglike head, glowing red eyes, and a non-prehensile tail like that of a rat. Kobolds wear ragged clothing, favoring red and orange.

Kobolds speak Draconic with voices that sound like yapping dogs.

Challenge Rating- 1
Hit Points- 4
Soak- 10%
Evade- 25%
Attacks- 1 attack per round, 30% attacking bonus
Damage- halfspear (1d6)
Alignment- Usually lawful evil
Treasure Reward- Type 1 treasure


Aggressive, cruel, and highly intelligent, krakens rule entire undersea regions. Though these behemoths are rarely seen on the surface, stories tell of ships dragged under and islands scoured of life by these monsters.
A kraken resembles an immense squid, but with only eight tentacles. Its body is approximately 90 feet long and protected by layers of thick muscle. Six of the beast's tentacles are shorter arms about 50 feet long; the remaining two are nearly 100 feet long and covered with cruel barbs. Its beaklike mouth is located where the tentacles meet the lower portion of its body.

Krakens speak Commmon and Aquan.

Challenge Rating- 12
Hit Points- 290
Soak- 70%
Evade- 60%
Attacks- 4 attacks per round, 65% attacking bonus
Damage- bite (4d6+6), tentacle rake (2d8+12)
Alignment- Always neutral evil
Treasure Reward- Type 3 treasure


The krenshar is a strange, catlike carnivore with extremely flexible skin.
A typical individual measures 4 to 5 feet in length with a long, narrow head. Males and females hunt together in packs, preferring herd animals for food but attacking humanoids when game becomes scarce. Krenshars are very social among their own kind, and occasional attempts to domesticate cubs have produced fierce and loyal companions. They other wise behave, much like mundane great cats. A lair contains cubs numbering half the adult total.

Krenshar's speak no language.

Challenge Rating- 1
Hit Points- 11
Soak- 15%
Evade- 30%
Attacks- 1 attack per round, 45% attacking bonus
Damage- bite (1d6), claws (1d4)
Alignment- Always neutral
Treasure Reward- none


The kuo-toa are an ancient line of aquatic humanoids noted for their sinister nature and diabolical tendencies.
An average kuo-toa stands roughly 5 feet tall and has a more or less humanoid appearance. Its rounded body is covered with fine scales giving it the appearance of being pudgy or bloated. The arms and legs are slender, almost willowy, ending in broad hands and distended feet that look very much like flippers. The bullet-shaped heads are piscine, with bulging, silver-black eyes and wide mouths full of needle-sharp teeth. Although kuo-toas are generally a silver-gray color, their pigmentation changes with their mood. An angry kuo-toa is dark red, while a frightened one becomes a pale gray or even white.

Kuo-toas speak Kuo-Toan, Undercommon, and Aquan.

Challenge Rating- 2
Hit Points- 11
Soak- 10%
Evade- 20%
Attacks- 1 attack per round, 35% attacking bonus
Damage- bite (1d4), spear (1d6)
Alignment- Often neutral evil
Treasure Reward- Type 1 treasure


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