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Monsters N - P

Merciless and utterly evil, night hags are creatures from the lower planes that constantly hunger for the flesh and souls of innocent men and women.
A night hag looks like a hideously ugly human woman. Its flesh is the blue-violet of a deep bruise and covered with warts, blisters, and open sores. It has straggly jet-black hair and jagged yellow teeth as deadly as a lion's. The eyes burn like hot coals, throwing out a thick, red radiance that fairly speaks of the evil thoughts behind them.

Night hags speak Infernal, Abyssal, and Celestial.

Challenge Rating- 9
Hit Points- 44
Soak- 10%
Evade- 40%
Attacks- 2 attacks per round, 45% attacking bonus
Damage- Bite (2d6), claws (1d4+6)
Alignment- always neutral/evil
Treasure Reward- Type 2 treasure


Nightmares are proud equine creatures with hearts as black and evil as the dark abysses from which they come.
At first glance, a nightmare looks like a large, powerful horse with a jet-black coat. A closer look, however, reveals its true nature. Flames wreathe its steely hooves, trail from its flared nostrils, and smolder in the depths of its dark eyes. Although they have no wings, they can fly with great speed. They seldom allow others to ride them, but particularly powerful and evil creatures have been known to make mounts of nightmares.

Nightmares speak no language.

Challenge Rating- 5
Hit Points- 45
Soak- 10%
Evade- 35%
Attacks- 1 attack per round, 40% attacking bonus
Damage- flaming hooves (1d8+4)
Alignment- always neutral/evil
Treasure Reward- none


Nymphs are nature's embodiment of physical beauty. They are so unbearably lovely that even a glimpse can blind or kill onlookers. Nymphs hate evil and ugliness.
A nymph's beauty exceeds mere words. The appearance of individaul nymphs varies, but all appear to be ever-young women of human size, with sleek figures, luxuriant hair, and perfect features. Their demeanor is charming and graceful, and their minds are quick and witty. A nymph is likely to react favorable to very handsome humanoids, particularly elves, half-elves, and humans, and sometimes even rescues such beings if they appear to be in distress.

Nymphs speak Sylvan and Common.

Challenge Rating- 2
Hit Points- 10
Soak- 20%
Evade- 40%
Attacks- 2 attacks per round, 45% attacking bonus
Damage- dagger (1d4)
Alignment- chaotic/good
Treasure Reward- Type 1 treasure


Orcs are aggressive humanoids that raid, pillage, and battle other creatures. They have a hatred of elves and dwarves that began generations ago, and often kill them on sight.
Orcs vary in appearance but in general look like primitive humans with gray skin, coarse hair, stooped postures, low foreheads and porcine faces with prominent lower canines that resemble a boar's tusks. They have lupine ears, their eyes are reddish, and they wear vivid colors that most humans would consider unpleasant, such as blood red, mustard yellow, yellow-green, and deep purple. Their equipment is dirty and unkempt.

Their language varies from tribe to tribe but is understandable by anyone who speaks Orc. Some orcs know Goblin or Giant as well.

Challenge Rating- 2
Hit Points- 4
Soak- 25%
Evade- 30%
Attacks- 1 attack per round, 35% attacking bonus
Damage- greataxe (1d12+3)
Alignment- Usually chaotic evil
Treasure Reward- Type 1 treasure


Otyughs are grotesque subterranean monsters that lurk within heaps of refuse. Although primarily scavengers, they never object to a meal of fresh meat when the opportunity presents itself.
An otyugh is a bloated ovoid covered with a tough, rocklike skin, as well as dung, trash, and scraps of decaying organic matter from its lair. A vinelike stalk about 2 feet long rises from the top of the disgusting body and bears the creature's two eyes and olfactory organ. Its mouth - little more than a wide gash filled with razor-sharp teeth - is in the center of the mass. The creature shuffles about on three thick, sturdy legs and grasps objects with two long tentacles covered in rough, thorny protrusions. The tentacles end in leaflike appendages covered in more thorny growths. A typical otyugh's body is 6 feet in diameter and weighs 500 pounds.

Otyughs speak Common.

Challenge Rating- 4
Hit Points- 33
Soak- 45%
Evade- 20%
Attacks- 2 attacks per round, 55% attacking bonus
Damage- tentacle (1d6), bite (1d4)
Alignment- neutral
Treasure Reward- Type 1 treasure


Owlbears are extraordinarily viscious predators with a reputation for ferocity, aggression, and sheer ill temper. They tend to attack nearly anything that moves without provocation.
Scholars have long debated the exact origins of this creature. The most common theory is that a demented wizard created the first specimen by crossing a giant owl with a bear. An owlbear's coat is a thick mix of color from brown-black to yellowish brown; its beak is a dull ivory color. A full-grown male can stand as high as 8 feet and weigh up to 1,500 pounds. Adventurers who have survived encounters with the creature often speak of the bestial madness they glimpsed in its red-rimmed eyes.

Owlbears speak no language.

Challenge Rating- 4
Hit Points- 47
Soak- 20%
Evade- 35%
Attacks- 2 attacks per round, 40% attacking bonus
Damage- bite (1d8+2), claws (1d6+5)
Alignment- Usually chaotic evil
Treasure Reward- none


The pegasus is a magnificent winged horse that sometimes serves the cause of good. Though highly prized as aerial steeds, pegasi are wild and shy creatures not easily tamed.
Pegasi mate for life, building their nests in high, remote locations. A mated pair have either 1-2 eggs or 1-2 young in their nest. A pegasus is larger than a normal horse and has two large, feathered wings. Its coat and wings are pure white, but rumors tell of a brown and even black specimens. A typical gasus stands 6 feet high at the shoulder, weighs 1,500 pounds, and has a wingspan of 20 feet.

Pegasi speak no language.

Challenge Rating- 3
Hit Points- 34
Soak- 10%
Evade- 40%
Attacks- 1 attack per round, 45% attacking bonus
Damage- hooves (1d6+4)
Alignment- Usually chaotic good
Treasure Reward- none


This ambulatory fungus is naturally invisible, making it a feared predator among subterranean inhabitants.
A phantom fungus looks like a brown and greenish-brown mass, though it is visible only when dead. A cluster of nodules atop the main mass serve as sensory organs. The crature feeds and attacks with a gaping maw lined with rows of calcitic teeth. Four stumpy legs support the creature and allow it to move about.

Phantom fungus speak no language.

Challenge Rating- 3
Hit Points- 15
Soak- 10%
Evade- 25%
Attacks- 1 attack per round, 35% attacking bonus
Damage- bite (1d6+3)
Alignment- always neutral
Treasure Reward- Type 1 treasure


Phase spiders are aggressive predators that can move quickly from the Etherreal Plane to attack opponents on the Material Plane.
These creatures resemble giant wolf spiders, except with larger heads and variegated markings in white, gray, and black over legs and backs. Their eight eyes are silver-white. A typical phase spider's body is 8 feet long.

Phase spiders speak no language.

Challenge Rating- 5
Hit Points- 42
Soak- 15%
Evade- 60%
Attacks- 2 attacks per round, 35% attacking bonus
Damage- Bite (1d6+4 plus poison) poison does 2d6 constitution dmg for 24 hrs
Alignment- neutral
Treasure Reward- none


Pseudodragons are tiny, playful members of the dragon family.
Pseudodragons resemble miniature red dragons, but are red-brown in color rather than deep red. They have fine scales and sharp horns and teeth. A pseudodragon's tail is about 2 feet long (twice as long as its body), barbed, and very flexible.

Pseudodragons can cmmunicate telpathically and vocalize animal noises, such as a rasping purr (pleasure), a hiss (unpleasant surprise), a chirp (desire), or a growl (anger).

Challenge Rating- 1
Hit Points- 15
Soak- 15%
Evade- 25%
Attacks- 2 attacks per round, 30% attacking bonus
Damage- sting (1d3), bite (1d4)
Alignment- neutral
Treasure Reward- none


These massive scavengers attempt to consume any organic materila they find. Purple worms are feared for swallowing their prey whole: Entire groups of adventurers have vanished down their gullets, one member after the other.
A mature purple worm is 5 feet in diameter and 80 feet long, weighing about 40,000 pounds. It has a toothy maw and a poisonous stinger in its tail. The worm's body is a dark purple.

Purple worms speak no language.

Challenge Rating- 12
Hit Points- 200
Soak- 25%
Evade- 30%
Attacks- 2 attacks per round, 35% attacking bonus
Swallow Whole
Damage- sting (2d6+6), bite (2d8+12)
Alignment- neutral
Treasure Reward- Type 3 treasure


Monster Pages