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There are many types of poisons and venoms, these are the ones that are uncurable by modern science or magic.

Poison NameType1st Dmg2nd DmgCost
Centipede VenomInjury1d2 Dex1d2 Dex90gp
Greenblood OilInjury1 Con1d2 Con100gp
Spider VenomInjury1d4 Str1d6 Str150gp
BloodrootInjury1d4 Con1d3 Wis100gp
Purple Worm PoisonInjury1d6 Str1d6 Str700gp
Scorpion VenomInjury1d6 Str1d6 Str200gp
Wyvern PoisonInjury2d6 Con2d6 Con3,000gp
Blue WhinnisInjury1 ConSleep120gp
Wasp PoisonInjury1d6 Dex1d6 Dex210gp
Shadow EssenceInjury1 Str2d6 Str250gp
Black Adder VenomInjury-Death1,800gp
Malyss Root PasteContact1 Dex2d4 Dex500gp
NitharitContact-3d6 Con650gp
Dragon BileContact3d6 Str-1,500gp
Carrion Crawler Brain JuiceContactParalysisDeath2,000gp
Black Lotus ExtractContact3d6 Con3d6 Con2,500gp
Oil of TaggitIngested-Sleep90gp
Striped ToadstoolIngested1 Wis2d6 Wis180gp
ArsenicIngested1 ConDeath2,500gp
Lich DustIngested2d6 Str1d6 Str250gp
Dark Reaver PowderIngested2d6 Con1d6 Con and 1d6 Str300gp
Ungol DustInhaled1 Cha1d6 Cha1,000gp
Othur FumesInhaled1 Con3d6 Con2,100gp
Insanity MistInhaled1d4 Wis2d6 Wis1,500gp

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