Mike 22 Stockton, MINN.

RANK: Marshal EMAIL: fearme@sluts.com
"Length? 12 inches lol jk?
How long have i been playn Q3 arena?
Ever since it came out on the Dreamcast.
When did i join SG? Almost right away.
I was just gettin online for the first time,
and bouncin around from server to server lookn for a good game.
All the servers were average and boring.
Then when im scrolling down I see an interesting server name.
Smokin Guns. So I join the room one person was in there.
We started to play and after awhile he said I had potental,
and asked me if I wanted to join.
I told Lil Killa sure being that I havent had too much experience
with online gaming and clans and what not.
I decided to give it a whirl and see what happened.
Lo and behold (No people its not a call to grab yourselves).
I just happend to join the best clan EVER!!!
SG 4 EVER!!!!!!!!!
"Pain is fear leaving the body"
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