Evilzom **Drunken Master**

Brad 20 Denison, TX.

RANK:LEADER EMAIL: evilzomsg@hotmail.com
When I joined SG, I was still quite new, yet ambitious about being the best at Quake.
When I seen and played the servers that SG had running,
I couldn't push myself to go to any other server.
I played game after game and met many SG members and liked all that I met.
Then a freind that I knew a little bit joined and told me about it.
Then I asked how I could get in. Anyway to make a long story short,
he directed me to RattlerSG, which is one of 2 founders of the SG clan.
The other of the 2 is NighthawkSG, which I think I met before Rattler,
during some games. I wanted in SG but was to shy to ask,
yea I know call me PUSSY but I couldn't ask, so someone asked for me.
After a bit i was in. After all that I got to meet all of the other members,
and liked all of them. After just a little time in SG
I knew I wanted to move on and be more "in the clan".
So I asked about possibly being a co-leader, and no doors was open at the time,
but I was very ambitious. Well I have now moved on up to leader,and I love it.
I don't have to hide my face in SG cause everyone knows that this is the clan to be in.
I Flag proud. Its been a good while since My arrival to the SG clan,
but the time seems short.I'm glad to be here and love everything about it.
Even when jealous people come in and talk shit,
I love that shit because all it does is make me laugh.
I play Quake 3 Arena on my dreamcast, with a control pad and a 56k dial-up,
Say what you want but chances are I can beat you with your aimbot
I'm not a bragger, but shit talk will result in "me proving you wrong"
I'm not the kind that will start shit with people,
but all I ask is don't make me. Well to sum it all up, Im a proud SG
that loves Quake 3 Arena, same as all the other members we have.


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