Andrew 22 NewYork, NY.

RANK: Gun Slinger EMAIL:
Hello everyone I'm Megatron SG,

The Ultimate Cybernetic Killing Machine

From the Dark Past now Future present 3000~X.

Got my GUN Forged from CYBERTRON in one arm /

Armed with Mega Bomb on to take you on! )

I draw out my Excaliber feeling POWER ~>

Remorse, Retreat / Defeat is not a option

I Repeat! Think you can take on Megatron?

Leader of the deceptacons & also in SG SEAL TEAM

Smokin Guns ~> I'll TeaBag u on some PS2 SoCoM's!

U can be a seal, or a terrorist just don't fucking

Force the game on us! Cheaters & Shit Talkers

Beware on the Mic u suck why can't u just STFU! ~>

Blast a fucking claymore up Ur ass make u sit out

& Wait for the next half -1 2 3 -Darn u lagers can

U just give me some peace! <Megatron SG>

***The Ultimate Machine Warrior of Death***

First game online I ever played was Q3A for DC,
and I got it the same week it came out for the DC.
I have been a QUAKER for along time now,
and I seen many clans come & go.
I should know I been in quite a few,
but 1 clan that hasn't gone any where
since I been a QUAKER is SG CLAN.
They have been around for along time,
and I’m glad to be apart of the clan.
My friend Ratbastard SG recommended
I join this cool clan, so I joined. I probably
would have joined sooner, but I didn't know every 1
in the clan & thought it might not be what I expected.
But I guess it all goes to say: Don't knock it till u try it!
Well I love being apart of the SG clan,
because it's not just any old CLAN
(It’s like being in a BIG HUGE FAMILY that is still growing even today.)
With so many members our clan can only get stronger, and not weaker.
Well I just like to say Thanks RB for asking me to join SG,
and thanks to all SG for having me.
Megatron SG
© Copyright 2002, Azazel, Inc. [**SG**]