Aaron 17 Hutchinson KS

RANK: Gun Slinger EMAIL: crazyfatcracker@hotmail.com
Im the brother of Souless! Im new to SG but arent we
all? The SmokinGuns are nothing you can understand
unless you did the time! If I didnt bring my brother some
Pooka Chicka Pooka Chicka every now and then he'd
probably forget WTF that meant! If Jerry Springer had a
"My family is Not gay Not a bunch of midgets Not
lesbians Not Butt ass naked on television" show we'd be
the first ones on the list! Ive met my brothers EX and
she was fat and ignorant! After I got to know her she
was fat and ignorant! We are the Nelsons! Just like SG
its a proud name! If I ever see my bros EX walking
down the street Ill run her tubby ass over and come to
a screaming hault just to back over her worthless slut
ass! I am StormSG!!! Mother Nature is a Bitch!
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