Jason 21 College Station.

RANK: Gun Slinger EMAIL:
Feel the death of true evil feel it in the air,
As I step into the room an uneasy feeling grows!
The weight of it crushing the breath from your lungs.
You can feel it, You’re eyes begin to bulge,
Veins begin to pop, as blood oozes from you’re very soul!
Then the wind starts to pick up, and the ground starts to rumble!
WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON, nobody knows.
You run from room to room and you try and hide,
BUT! It’s no use I’m close by. That’s when I step in,
Bullets start to fly; you reach up begging for mercy.
Mercy HA! There will be no mercy for you...
You say to yourself I KNOW IM GONA DIE!
The agonizing pain of death a slow and gruesome death.
Causes you’re body to tremble and convulse!
As I rip apart you’re withered and twisted corpse,
Piece by piece and scatter it through out the land.

When you feel it you know you have come
Face to face with your worst nightmare!!
I am the evil YellowRam02SG

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