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Miles Tails Prower

Birthday:Nov 1992
Home:Mystic Ruins
Relatives:His dad Armadeus,and his mom Rosemarry.
Side kick Of Sonic
Likes:Building Airplanes,Mints
Dislikes:Being Called Full Name,Robotnik

Tails for short,is Sonic The Hedgehog's Side Kick.He always hangs out with Sonic,and looks up to him as a son:friend,and partner.When tails was a pup,none of his friends would play with him,and his parents did'nt want him.Because he had two tails,which gives him power to use em like helicopter.Sonic took him in and took care of Tails like he was his own.Now days Tails builds airplanes,like his new creation the Tornado 3.He just created a new creation called the Cyclone,it is a upgraded version of the Tornado,but is a land machine.