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Sleet and Dingo

Age: Unknown
Species: Wolf and Jackel
Height: 4' 11" and 5' 1"
Likes: Bounty Hunting, power, riches, Sonia (Dingo)
Dislikes: Hedgehogs, Sonic, resistance, Sonia (Sleet)
Weapon: Dingo himself (shapeshifter)
First Appearance:Sonic Underground

Were hired by Dr Robotnik when he found out that the Hedgehogs were reunited. Sleet may be smart and coniving, but Dingo is a bit slow minded, but has proven to have feelings (ex. "Someday Sleet, it'll be your butt wearing MY footprint!" and he also ditched Sleet whenever they stole a Chaos Emerald from Robotnik.). He also has a puppy dog crusg on Sonia.They both first appeared in Sonic Underground and have never been in any other Sonic cartoons.