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Knuckles The Echidna Bio

Home:Floating Island(Angel Isle)
Relatives:Other Master emerald Guardians,Mother,Father(Name Not Known)
Guardian On The Master Emerald
Specialtys:Climbing,Digging,Ancient Findings,Swimming,Gliding
Personality:Hes Tough,Doesnt Take No For Answer,Is Shy Of Girls
Birthday: 2/2/01

Knuckles is the guardian of the Master emerald,which is located on the Floating Isle(Angel Island).He is good friends with Sonic,but they some times get in fights.He can climb,glide,Swim,and treasure hunting.But they dont call him Knuckles for nothing,he has a stronge punch,and he has one tough additude.This guy goes his own ways,and will knock any one out who messes with the Master Emerald. Back To Main