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Dr. Robotnik(Eggman)

Birthday:June 23,1991(Games),Year Of Birth: 3189(Archie Comics).
Relatives: Father: Pr. Gerald Robotnik,Nephew: Snively, Brother: Colin.
Enemies:Sonic,Tails,Knuckles,King Acorn,Princess Sally,Rotor,Antoine,Bunnie,Espio,Mighty,Charmy,Vector..
Likes:Tecnology,Hurting Sonic The Hedgehog.
Dislikes:Sonic,Freedom Fighters,Failure.
Abilities: IQ of 300, Huge mechanical intellect

Dr. Robotnik is a evil scientist who's goal is to destroy Sonic and his pals.He's tristed and will do anything and everything to stop Sonic.He has a nephew named Snively,and he lives in Robotropolis which he took over.He sent King Max to the Zone of Silence and that's how he took over Mobotropolis which he calls Robotropolis.Dr Robotnik's main weakness is that he'll never stop no matter how much he will lose.His main enemy is Sonic the Hedgehog,he thinks of Sonic as his main enemy,but Sonic thinks Robotnik is nothing.