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Princess Sally Acorn

Home:Mobotropolis,acorn palace located in Knothole
Relatives:King Max Acorn,Queen Alice,Prince Elias
Most Loyal Friend:Sonic
Job:Princess,Leader Of Freedom Fighters

Princess Sally is the leader of the Freedom Fighters,aswell Princess of Mobius.Sally has always been to busy to do what normal kids would do at that age,she was too busy leading the Freedom Fighters.Most of her life her father King Max has been gone,sent away by the evil meness Dr.Kintober(Robotnik,Eggman).Sally has always had a part in her heart for Sonic The Hedgehog.But she has never showed this to him,and neither has he.While ago Sally has found out she had a missing brother named Elias,and that her mother has been on the Floating Island(Angel Isle).Her father King Max has just found out he is paralized from the waist down,but her mother would be alright.She recently been locked in Acorn Palace never to leave to see Sonic.