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Codes - Tails Adventure

  All items, level select:
Enter the following password to access any area with all items.

ADE7 AA2A 51A6 6D12

All Chaos Emeralds:
Enter the following password to possess all Chaos Emeralds.

A767 AA3A 58A6 ED16

Level Password :

2 D2D1 D4D4 AE11 D6E1

4 E721 DC70 BC90 D64F

Item List

Regular Bomb - The only item you start with. An ordinary bomb to use to destroy robots and stoneblocks in your way.

Large Bomb - This bomb is used to destroy stronger stone blocks at specific places. It can not be thrown away in the same way like the regular bomb.

Remote Bomb - Similar to the Regular Bomb, but the difference with this bomb is that it will roll on the ground for while when it hits the floor (after being thrown). Good to use in narrow passages.

Napalm Bomb - Also similar to the Regular Bomb, but it is useless before it hits the ground. The flames that are coming out of the bomb are very effective against robots (specially bees on the Green Island), and you can also destroy green stone blocks with this item.

Trible Bomb - Like the Regular Bomb, but much more effective.

Wrench - The name says very much what it is. This item is to be used in the final zone.

Helmet - Tails can hide under the helmet, to become invincible for robots and their attacks. But while using this item, he can not move.

Remote Robot - A very practical little fellow which can collect important items in narrow passages where Tails can't go.

Hammer - A short weapon which Tails can use instead for bombs. He can destroy stone blocks with this item as well.

Teleport Device - This item brings you back home immediately.

Night Vision - With this item, Tails can see in the dark in Polly Mt. 2.

Speed Boots - Speed up.

Super Gloves - An item to use for carrying heavy items.

Fang - Increases your luck. YouŽll get rings more often.

Knuckles - Enables Tails to hit the robots, like Knuckles the echidna.

Sonic - Make a Sonicspin.

Item Radar - With this item, you can check if you have forgotten to collect any item in the area.

Radio - A useless item, but quite nice even so. You can use the radio to change music while playing.

Blue, Green, Purple, Red, White, Yellow Emerald - Your Maximum ring units go up by 10. When you have gotten all emeralds, your maximum ring units goes up to 99. The emeralds can not be equipped.

Items for the Sea-Fox (Your submarine)

Proton Torpedo - A powerful weapon.

Vulcan Gun - The standard weapon, equipped to the Sea Fox in the beginning.

Extra Speed - With the extra speed, you can build up speed and make higher jumps at Crystal Lake.

Extra Armour - Invincibility.

Air-AirMissile - To shoot upwards, and to destroy obstacles in the way.

Spark - Destroys all enemies and mines on the screen. Very effective.

Mine - To shoot in down direction, and to destroy obstacles in the way.

Rocket Booter - Enables your Sea Fox to fly.

'SSNG' © Dread & Andrew. 'Dreadknux' and 'The Sonic Stadium' © Svend VJ. 'Sonic News' is © Andrew P. Content © SVJ/AP. Sonic the Hedgehog © Sega.