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Codes - Sonic The Hedgehog 2

  Level select:
Use the sound test selection on the options menu. Choose sounds 19, 65, 9, and 17 (in that order) and press C after each selection. A chime will confirm correct code entry. Press Start. Hold A and press Start when Sonic and Tails appear at the title screen.

Extra continues:
Enable the "Level select" code. Use the sound test selection on the options screen. Choose sounds 1, 1, 2, and 4 (In that order) and press C after each selection. Highlight the "Player Select" option and press Start.
Toggle Tails or Miles:
Press Up(3), Down(3), Up at the title screen. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Alternately, press Up(2), Down(2), Up(4).

Super Sonic and Tails:
Enable the "Level select" code. Use the sound test selection on the options screen. Choose sounds 4, 1, 2 and 6 (in that order) and press C after each selection. Music will confirm correct code entry. Select any starting level and collect 50 rings. Sonic or Tails will turn yellow and can run at super speed, jump twice as far, and become invincible to enemies and spikes. The total number of rings will decrease during super mode. Your character will revert to normal when the ring total reaches zero. Note: Super Sonic or Tails can still drown, be crushed, and fall into bottomless pits.

Super Sonic in Death Egg zone:
Enable the "Level select", "Debug", and "Super Sonic" codes. Go to the Death Egg zone and turn yourself into a ring. Multiply yourself until there are 50 or more rings. Collect them and jump to become Super Sonic.

Better Super Sonic:
Enable the "Level select", "Debug", and "Super Sonic" codes. Select a stage with Tails in it. Get over 50 rings, then jump. Create two teleportation boxes, spin, and hit both of them. The screen should flash. You should now be Super Sonic surrounded by stars, but will not be invincible. Get 10 or more rings and jump again. Sonic will morph to a better, invincible, Super Sonic.

Mega Sonic:
Collect fifty rings and jump after becoming Sonic for even more speed and higher jumps.

Hyper Sonic:
Run forward in Oil Ocean, Act 2 until reaching the green jet springs. Jump on the very last spring and hold Right. Sonic will hit a group of spikes before becoming stuck in the side of the wall. Jump out to transform into Hyper Sonic. In this mode, Sonic can run faster and jump farther than Super Sonic, but is not invincible.

Enable the "Debug" code. Have Sonic become a waterfall. Place waterfalls in random places on a few screens of the first level and repeat many times. Finally, remain in one place and hold the button to continue creating waterfalls. Turn Sonic into himself again and he should emerge as Ashura, his brother. He resembles Super Sonic but has black around his eyes. Press B to turn him invisible.

Debug mode:
Enable the "Level select" code. Use the sound test selection on the options screen. Choose sounds 1, 9, 9, 2, 1, 1, 2, 4 (in that order) and press C after each selection. A chime will confirm correct code entry. Select any starting level, then hold A + Start until game play begins. Screen coordinates will appear instead of a score and the number of objects displayed will appear instead of the time remaining. Use one of the following controller actions to enable the corresponding debug code. Note: This code may only be enabled when playing as Tails alone.

Object transformation:
Press B during game play to change Sonic into a game object. Press A to change into a new object. Press C to place an object on the screen. Press B again to revert back to Sonic. Note: The type of object that may be selectable will vary from level to level.

Sonic is, by default, invincible in debug mode.

Slow motion
Pause game play and hold B.
Pause game play and press A.
Frame advance
Pause game play and press C.
Night mode
Hold C and press Start when selecting a level.
Super Tails
Place a transfer box monitor on the screen. Hit the monitor as Super Sonic.

Easy Chaos Emeralds:
Start the game as usual. Get a Chaos Emerald, reset the game, and start the game from the options menu. You will keep the Emeralds that you have gained so far each time you start from the options menu.

Continuous music:
Select "Options" at the title screen. At the sound test screen, select each of the following sounds in order and press C after each selection: 1, 9, 9, 2, 1, 1, 2, 4. The music from the Oil Ocean zone will play during the entire game.

Hint: Super Sonic sign:
Get all of the Chaos Emeralds and transform into Super Sonic. Try to have at least fifty rings when you finish the level. After completing the level, run off screen and wait until the end-of-level sign shows Sonic. When it does, transform into Super Sonic. The sign will show Super Sonic for one second, then show blue Sonic again.

Unlimited speed shoes:
Begin game play in two player vs. mode and hit as many item boxes as possible until you get the speed shoes. Then, intentionally lose your life while you have them (getting squashed is the easiest way). You will return to the start of the level or the last Star Post that you hit, but you will now have the speed shoes in effect for the rest of the stage.

Hint: Bonus Stage (Gum Ball machine):
Enable the "Level Select/Sound Test" codes. If you try to select the "Bonus" option in that screen, you will find that it will not work. Instead, press Start on the third selection down from the "1P vs 2P" options. In Act 2 of that option, you will be taken to the bonus stage. To quit, pause and press Start. Note: After several tries on the bonus stage, the title may glitch and display "DOILUS STAGE" instead of "BONUS STAGE". If you quit after this happens, the sound test menu may go off the screen, and any options that were previously at the bottom of the screen will be at the top, and look out of place.

Hint: Mental Sonic:
Enable the "Debug Mode" code. Press B + C during game play. Sonic will go mental, and dash about on the spot, turn upside down, and do other stunts. This can also be done with Tails.

No Boss music:
Enable the "Level select" code and go to a Boss. Press Start then hold B. The game should now be in slow motion. When the Boss enters the screen, hit him, then release B. The game should pause. Press Start and the Boss music will stop.

Emerald Hill music:
To hear the Emerald Hill melody at the title screen, go to sound test selection in the options menu and listen to songs 1, 1, 2 and 4 in order. Then, highlight "Player Select" and press Start. You will hear the Oil Ocean music at the beginning of the first level. Reset the game, and you will hear the Emerald Hill music.

Wing Fortress shortcut:
In Wing Fortress, move with some rings as far to the right as possible without climbing. When blades appear to block your way, hit them. As soon as you are invincible, walk through them. Jump on the platforms to the right and half the level will be completed.

Rings in Death Egg Zone:
Enable the "Level select" and "Debug" codes. Go to the Death Egg zone, turn your self into a ring, and press C to multiply yourself. Then, turn back into Sonic and collect the rings. This should keep you from dying for awhile.

Extra lives in the Chemical Plant:
Insert the Sonic The Hedgehog 2 cartridge into the Sonic And Knuckles cartridge. Play until reaching Chemical Plant Act 1, where you get to the wall with the Spiny Badnik and the warp tube on the floor. Break open the tube and go through it. When you come out you will see a Ring Box next to a tower. Climb up the tower and on the top you will find an extra life. Glide left and you will find another extra life. Glide to the left one more time and you will find yet one more extra life. Since you will not want to go through the level again just glide to the right until you get to the tower you started from. Get on that first tower and glide to the right. The Act will be over and you will have three more lives.

Shielded Tails:
Enable the "Debug mode" code and hit a shield. Place a teleport box down and hit that. Tails will have a permanent shield.

Green Sonic:
Enable the "Level select" and "Debug mode" codes. Select one of the Emerald Hill zones. When you start the level, press B to turn into a ring. Press A(4) to become four rings in a row going up or down. Then hold C + Right for approximately five seconds. You will return to the beginning. Keep pressing A until you are at the top of a waterfall. You may not see your character, but you still will be there. Hold C + Right for approximately five seconds. Finally press B to turn Sonic green.

Easy level win:
Enable debug mode and create an object that resembles a square made of machinery. Place Sonic above this and drop him.

Play at the end of a level:
Enable the "Debug mode" code. At the end of the first Aquatic Ruins level, press B and change into one of the drill enemies. Place him all over the screen. You must do this before you hit the sign. Hit the Sonic sign and complete the level. Then, press B to change into an object and fly above a drill enemy. Press B again and drop onto an enemy. You will die while your points are being added up, but the game will continue as if you had completed the level. The next screen will say you are in Aquatic Ruin part two, but you will start on the last screen of the first part of that level, and you can play freely in that area until you hit the sign.

Game Genie Codes(North American version)

Player 1 starts with 5 lives: AY8A-AADN

Start levels with rings: 2VAT-BCRN

Alternate code: 2VAT-BCRA

Start levels with time already on your time counter: 2VAT-BCRT

Zone title remains on-screen: 2VAT-BCRY

Cannot receive rings, except from ring power-ups: SEST-D11A

Jump directly to end of level: ALTA-D53G

Hidden Palace zone: ACLA-ATD4 Note: Go to the Death Egg zone!!

'SSNG' © Dread & Andrew. 'Dreadknux' and 'The Sonic Stadium' © Svend VJ. 'Sonic News' is © Andrew P. Content © SVJ/AP. Sonic the Hedgehog © Sega.