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Codes - Sonic & Knuckles

  Level select:
Begin game play with no other cartridges inserted into the Sonic And Knuckles cartridge. Go to any pulley in the first level and press Left(3), Right(3), Up(3). The sound of a ring being collected will confirm correct code entry. Pause game play and press A to restart the game. Hold A and press Start at the title screen to display a level selection screen.

Bonus rounds:
Insert the Sonic The Hedgehog into the Sonic And Knuckles cartridge. Hold A + B + C and press Start when the "No Way" message is displayed to play the unknown bonus rounds in order. For example, if you keep playing and reach level 12 and want to stop, make a note of the password at the bottom of the screen. Turn off the game and turn it back on, it will restart at level 1 again. Press Down and use the D-Pad to enter the password on the screen. Then, press Start, the level you last played will begin.

Alternate level select:
Insert the Sonic The Hedgehog 2 cartridge into the Sonic And Knuckles cartridge. Press Up(3), Down(3), Left, Right, Left, Right at the title screen. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Press A + Start to display the level selection screen. This code will also all rings to be kept if your character is hit. Insert the Sonic The Hedgehog 3 cartridge into the Sonic And Knuckles cartridge. In Angel Island Zone, grab on to a vine and while swinging on it press Left(3), Right(3), Up(3). A sound will confirm correct code entry. Press Start then A at the title screen to enter the Sound Test.As Sonic, Tails, or Knuckles (Note: This is who you will control when you select a level), go to Angel Island Zone. Find one of the swinging vines (not the vines that go down the other vine, but the ones that go back and forth). Press Left(3), Right(3), Up(3). The sound of a ring will confirm correct code entry. Press Start, then A. Press Up or Down(2) at the title screen to enter the hidden sound test where you can choose any level. (Only the Sonic 3 levels in Sonic 3 but any level in Sonic 3 and Knuckles). To change your character in the sound test, press C. The yellow numbers are your character (00 for Sonic and Tails, 01 for Sonic, 02 for Knuckles, and 03 for Tails.)

Debug mode:
Insert the Sonic The Hedgehog 2 cartridge into the Sonic And Knuckles cartridge. Play songs 1, 9, 9, 4, 1, 0, 1, 8 in order at the level selection screen. Then, select any level, hold A, and press Start. Screen coordinates will appear instead of a score and the number of objects displayed will appear instead of the time remaining. Use one of the following controller actions to enable the corresponding debug code. Note: This code may only be enabled on the first version of the game.

Alternately, insert the Sonic The Hedgehog 3 cartridge into the Sonic And Knuckles cartridge. First, enable the "Sound Test" option by grabbing hold of a vine in Angel Island. While swinging, press Left(3), Right(3), Up 3). A ring sound will confirm correct code entry. Next, grab any pulley in Mushroom Hill and press Left(3), Right(3), Up(3). The ring sound will confirm correct code entry. Pause game play and press Start. You will be taken to the Sega logo and title screen. Select either the "Sound Test" or "1 player" options. When selecting the level, hold A and press Start.

Object transformation:
Press B during game play to change Sonic into a game object. Press A to change into a new object. Press C to place an object on the screen. Press B again to revert back to Sonic. Note: The type of object that may be selectable will vary from level to level.

Sonic is, by default, invincible in debug mode.

Slow motion:
Pause game play and hold B.
Pause game play and press A.
Frame advance:
Pause game play and press C.

Sound test:
Press A(2), B, A(2), B(3), A(2), B, C at the title screen to access the sound test for Zone 1. Press A(2), B(2), C(2), Up, Down, Left, Right, A, C, B, A(7) at the title screen to access the sound test for Zone 2. Hold Y and press Up, Left, Start(2) for the last sound test.

Extra points:
Jump and hit the end of act marker. 100 points are awarded every time the marker is hit.

Hyper Sonic, Hyper Knuckles, Super Tails:
Insert the Sonic The Hedgehog 3 cartridge into the Sonic And Knuckles cartridge. In order to get Hyper Sonic, Hyper Knuckles, and Super Tails, get all the regular emeralds. Once at Mushroom Hill, jump into the flashing ring that Knuckles closes. Then, get all the super emeralds. Get fifty rings and double jump. Sonic will turn into Hyper Sonic, will flash colors, and have stars flashing around him. Knuckles will turn into Hyper Knuckles and blink gray and red. Tails will turn Super, but flashes yellow. His bird friends will also help him; even though the birds might get left behind, Tails is invincible.

Play Death Egg Zones 1 and 2 with Knuckles:
Enable the "Level select" code with Knuckles and go to the level Death Egg Zone 1 or 2. You will be playing Death Egg Zone with Knuckles. Note: You can not defeat the Master in Death Egg Zone 1 as Knuckles.

Secret bonus:
Insert the Sonic The Hedgehog 2 cartridge into the Sonic And Knuckles cartridge. When playing as Knuckles at the second zone, climb up every wall until reaching the top. If you see an extra life there, glide left to find a secret.

Secret stages:
Insert the Sonic The Hedgehog 3 cartridge into the Sonic And Knuckles cartridge. Play "1F" at the sound test screen, then highlight Special Stage one or two and press Start.

Hint: Mental Sonic:
Enable the "Debug Mode" code. Press B + C during game play. Sonic will go mental, and dash about on the spot, turn upside down, and do other stunts. This can also be done with Tails and Knuckles.

Hint: Dr. Robotnik in disguise:
If you play as Knuckles, and have ever wondered who the weird robot-like boss is that takes the place of Dr. Robotnik, it is actually Robotnik in disguise. He is attempting to kill Knuckles so he can take the Master Emerald for himself. Knuckles only finds out that Robotnik is trying to steal the emerald when he is caught trying to take the emerald in the Hidden Palace zone. (If you are playing as Sonic or Tails, this happens after the battle with Knuckles).

Hint: Quick goodies:
Insert the Sonic The Hedgehog 3 cartridge into the Sonic And Knuckles cartridge. At the start of Angel Island, kill the monkey in the tree and jump on the first gray rock to reveal a bumper spring. Bounce up into the tree, and using the bumper spring hidden in the tree, bounce left to land on the moving platform. The platform will take you to a ring bonus and lightning shield power-up. Using the spring in the tree again, bounce right to land on ground with spikes and a RhinoBot. Jump past these to collect the fire shield. When this is collected, Sonic can use the fire dash attack by pressing C(2).

Hint: Change Act 1 Boss Music (Zones 1-6, Sonic 3):
When playing Zones 1 to 6 in Sonic The Hedgehog 3, insert the Sonic The Hedgehog 3 cartridge into the console without using the Sonic And Knuckles cartridge at all. Instead of the Sonic and Knuckles Act 1 Boss music, you hear the Sonic 3 version (a funky rap backbeat with fun-style music). Knuckles' theme music also changes, taking just the beat from the Act 1 Boss songand putting that in instead.

Game Genie Codes

Unfinished level: BAAA-AAAA CAAA-AAAA 8AAA-B92B

Disable pausing: AALA-AAAC

Timer runs while game is paused: AALA-AAAL

Music plays when game is paused: AALA-AAA8

Black background: AA7T-ABAA

Purple/Blue background: ZA7T-AAA4

Blue/Black background: ZA7T-AAA6

Red/Lavender background: AA7T-AAJ6

Red/Blue background: AA7T-AAT6

Silver Sonic and multicolored backgrounds and characters: XA7T-AAA8

Pink Sonic and multicolored levels and characters: YA7T-AAA8

Blue Knuckles and black background: ZA7T-AAA8

End sequence: GJ8A-AA4G

Start with 1 life for player 1: AE8A-AADN

Start with 5 lives for player 1: AY8A-AADN

Start with 7 lives for player 1: A68A-AADN

Start with 1 life for player 2: AE8A-AADW

Start with 5 lives for player 2: AY8A-AADW

Start with 9 lives for player 2: BE8A-AADW

Start with 25 lives for player 2: DE8A-AADW

Start with 50 lives for player 2: GJ8A-AADW

Start with 75 lives for player 2: KN8A-AADW

Start with 99 lives for player 2: NN8A-AADW

Start with 1 life for player 1: AE8A-AAD2

Start with 5 lives for player 1: AY8A-AAD2

Start with 7 lives for player 1: A68A-AAD2

Start with 9 lives for player 1: BE8A-AAD2

Start with 25 lives for player 1: DE8A-AAD2

Start with 50 lives for player 1: GJ8A-AAD2

Start with 75 lives for player 1: KN8A-AAD2

Start with 99 lives for player 1: NN8A-AAD2

Start with 1 life for player 2: AE8A-AAD8

Start with 5 lives for player 2: AY8A-AAD8

Start with 7 lives for player 2: A68A-AAD8

Start with 9 lives for player 2: BE8A-AAD8

Start with 25 lives for player 2: DE8A-AAD8

Start with 50 lives for player 2: GJ8A-AAD8

Start with 75 lives for player 2: KN8A-AAD8

Start with 99 lives for player 2: NN8A-AAD8

Start with time on clock: 2VAT-BCRT

Start with 1 life instead of 3: AFKT-AAG0

Start with 2 lives: AKKT-AAG0

Start with 4 lives: AVKT-AAG0

Start with 5 lives: AZKT-AAG0

Start with 7 lives: A7KT-AAG0

Start with 9 lives: BFKT-AAG0

Start with 25 lives: DFKT-AAG0

Start with 50 lives: GKKT-AAG0

Start with 99 lives: NPKT-AAG0

Keep rings between levels: AKVT-AA76 AMNA-EA24

Rings worth 2 in special stage: ALNA-AACR

Rings worth 3 in special stage: ARNA-AACR

Rings worth 4 in special stage: AWNA-AACR

Rings worth 5 in special stage: A0NA-AACR

Rings worth 10 in special stage: BLNA-AACR

Blue spheres count as rings and disappear: RGSA-A6WY

Only one blue sphere needed for emerald: RGSA-A6YY

Unlimited time: HXRT-AA6A

No bounce when hitting enemies: AABA-DAAC

Keep shields (fire, water, lightning) when hit: 96BA-CAG6 98MA-CAF0

Super shoes last indefinitely: ATGT-CA3Y

Spin Dash just rolls in place: AAMA-DAAC

Sonic jumps lower: AANA-CNA0

Sonic jumps slightly higher: 4ANA-CRA0

Sonic jumps higher: 2ANA-CWA0

Sonic jumps very high: AANA-C4A0

Sonic jumps extremely high: AANA-DYA0

Sonic can always use Fireball: RENT-C6V6

Double jumps, bounces, and Super Sonic are disabled. Sonic can always double jump: RENT-C6YA

Water shield and Super Sonic are disabled. Become Super or Hyper Sonic without any emeralds: AANT-CAGY AAPA-CAB8

50 rings still required. Become Super Sonic without any chaos emeralds: AANT-CAG6

Only 1 chaos emerald needed to become Super Sonic: AENT-CAG6

Only 2 chaos emeralds needed to become Super Sonic: AJNT-CAG6

Only 3 chaos emeralds needed to become Super Sonic: ANNT-CAG6

Only 4 chaos emeralds needed to become Super Sonic: ATNT-CAG6

Only 5 chaos emeralds needed to become Super Sonic: AYNT-CAG6

Only 6 chaos emeralds needed to become Super Sonic: A2NT-CAG6

1 ring needed to become Super Sonic: AENT-CAHL

10 rings needed to become Super Sonic: BJNT-CAHL

25 rings needed to become Super Sonic: DENT-CAHL

40 rings needed to become Super Sonic: FANT-CAHL

100 rings needed to become Super Sonic: NTNT-CAHL

Faster animation rate for Sonic. N2PT-CYB0

Increased gravity: W2PT-CYB0

Don't use rings when any characters are hyper (or super for hyper): NTPT-CA50

Press Jump to Spindash: AAPT-DBHL

Press Down to Spindash AAPT-DBHT

Press Down for temporary invincibility: JAPT-CRH0

Select Sonic or Knuckles and play any level. Press Down and they will flash for a few seconds. This also works with Sonic 3 attached, but can not be used when playing as Tails.

Press Down for debug mode: ZAPT-CRH0

Each ring worth 2 for player 1: SAST-DJ1A SATA-DJTJ

Each ring worth 3 for player 1: SAST-DN1A SATA-DNTJ

Each ring worth 4 for player 1: SAST-DT1A SATA-DTTJ

Each ring worth 5 for player 1: SAST-DY1A SATA-DYTJ

Each ring worth 6 for player 1: SAST-D21A SATA-D2TJ

Each ring worth 7 for player 1: SAST-D61A SATA-D61A

Each ring worth 8 for player 1: SATA-DA1A

Each ring worth 2 for player 2: SATA-DJVW SATA-DJV2 SATA-DJW8

Each ring worth 3 for player 2: SATA-DNVW SATA-DNW8

Each ring worth 4 for player 2: SATA-DTVW SATA-DTW8

Each ring worth 5 for player 2: SATA-DYVW

Each ring worth 6 for player 2: SATA-D2VW SATA-D2W8

Each ring worth 7 for player 2: SATA-D6VW SATA-D6W8

Each ring worth 8 for player 2: SATA-DAVW SATA-DAW8

Lost rings drop straight down: ATTT-CA3W

Lost rings bounce vertically: ATTT-CA3Y

Lost rings go down and left: ATTT-CA30

Lost rings stay in horizontal line: ATTT-CA32

Sonic does not lose rings when hit: ATTT-CA4W ATTT-CA58

Large ring increase when hit: ATTT-CE4Y

Tails does not lose rings when hit: ATTT-CA5G ATTT-CA6G

Unlimited lives: K2WA-CA47

Sonic's frames of animations are slow when walking or running: AAXT-CADA

No rings or emeralds needed for Super or Hyper Knuckles: AA6A-CADA

Tails runs on his tails: ABNT-CAC4

Tails runs faster: ABNT-CA54

Extremely high gravity for shoot down ramps and thru floors: KBVT-DAE2

Speed shoes discolor all objects: AFVT-CA12

Slightly higher jump for Knuckles:: TB5T-CNCR

High jump for Knuckles: PV5T-CRCR

Super jump for Knuckles: AB5T-CWCR

Mega jump for Knuckles: AB5T-C2CR

Extremely high jump for Knuckles: AB5T-DTCR

Become Super or Hyper Knuckles without any emeralds: AB6A-CACL AB6A-CAHR

50 rings still required. Become Super Knuckles without any chaos emeralds: AB6A-CACW

Only 1 chaos emerald needed to become Super Knuckles: AF6A-CACW

Only 2 chaos emeralds needed to become Super Knuckles: AK6A-CACW

Only 3 chaos emeralds needed to become Super Knuckles: AP6A-CACW

Only 4 chaos emeralds needed to become Super Knuckles: AV6A-CACW

Only 5 chaos emeralds needed to become Super Knuckles: AZ6A-CACW

Only 6 chaos emeralds needed to become Super Knuckles: A36A-CACW

1 ring needed to become Super Knuckles: AF6A-CADA

10 rings needed to become Super Knuckles: BK6A-CADA

25 rings needed to become Super Knuckles: DF6A-CADA

40 rings needed to become Super Knuckles: FB6A-CADA

100 rings needed to become Super Knuckles instead of 50: NV6A-CADA

Cannot drown: ACCT-CA2R

Return to title screen instead of drowning: ACCT-CA2W

Jump directly to the end of the level: ALTA-D53G

Sonic is invisible and invincible at start of game: ALTA-CA8J

Once invincible (stars), stay invincible for rest of level: ALTA-CA9Y

Sonic's bash attack disabled: RLVT-CAE2

Unlimited number of rings given when hit: AWXT-CACE AWXT-CA4E

Rains rings when hit: AWXT-CADA

Rings do not spin when hit: AWXT-CAXA

All rings disappear when hit: AWXT-CA7A

Need 0 emrald to become super sonic (besides rings): ACZT-CACA

Super Sonic doesn't lose rings with time: K4ZT-CA9N K4ZT-CA92

Sonic stays invincible for less time after getting hit: A02T-CAF8 982T-CAF8 A02T-CAGL

Sonic stays invincible for more time after getting hit: 982T-CAGL

Unlimited lives for player 1: JW3A-CA4J JW3A-CA4Y

Unlimited lives for player 2: JXGA-CA7G JXGA-CA7W

Sonic needs 1 ring to get to special stage: AH2T-CAHN

Bonus round always activated after every checkpoint: RHJA-E60L

Bonus round is always Glowing Spheres: A5LA-EA5G

Bonus round is always Slot Machine: BXLA-EA5G

Rings worth 8 in special stages for Sonic: SBJA-HAV2 SBJA-HAWJ

Rings worth 2 in special stages for Sonic: SBJA-HJV2 SBJA-HJWJ

Rings worth 3 in special stages for Sonic: SBJA-HNV2 SBJA-HNWJ

Rings worth 4 in special stages for Sonic: SBJA-HTV2 SBJA-HTWJ

Rings worth 5 in special stages for Sonic: SBJA-HYV2 SBJA-HYWJ

Rings worth 6 in special stages for Sonic: SBJA-H2V2 SBJA-H2WJ

Rings worth 7 in special stages for Sonic: SBJA-H6V2 SBJA-H6WJ

Rings worth 8 in special stages for Tails: SBJA-HAV8 SBJA-HAWR

Rings worth 2 in special stages for Tails: SBJA-HJV8 SBJA-HJWR

Rings worth 3 in special stages for Tails: SBJA-HNV8 SBJA-HNWR

Rings worth 4 in special stages for Tails: SBJA-HTV8 SBJA-HTWR

Rings worth 5 in special stages for Tails: SBJA-HYV8 SBJA-HYWR

Rings worth 6 in special stages for Tails: SBJA-H2V8 SBJA-H2WR

Rings worth 7 in special stages for Tails: SBJA-H6V8 SBJA-H6WR

rings worth 2 special stage for sonic: SBJA-HJWJ

Knuckles cannot jump: PVWD-CA6W

Unlimited time in Sonic 2 as Knuckles: HWLX-GA2Y

'SSNG' © Dread & Andrew. 'Dreadknux' and 'The Sonic Stadium' © Svend VJ. 'Sonic News' is © Andrew P. Content © SVJ/AP. Sonic the Hedgehog © Sega.