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Shadow Interview

Shadow gives us his time to have a disturbing interview with him.

Sonic News:We thank you for joining us on your break of taking over the world.

Shadow:Yea,hurry it up..

Sonic News:I'd like to ask you a few questions about you starring in the upcoming game Sonic Adventure 2.Tell me about why your teaming with Dr Eggman and Rouge,why not go alone?

Shadow:Can't any one wait a couple of weeks?Well I need help too,I'm still the best there is but need some help.

Sonic News:What do you think of Sonic The Hedgehog,will he be a big problem for you in SA2?

Shadow:You think he'll be a problem,no way.I'll just destroy he who gets in the way.

Sonic News:Now that SA2 is a couple weeks away,who will the Sonic fans first wanna control.the DArk or Hero side?

Shadow:It would have to be the Dark side,if you think about it the Dark side brings new playable characters to the game.

Sonic News:Can you give us info on the story line at this time?

Shadow:Well I could but then I'd have to kill you.

Sonic News:Tell us about what extra game play in SA2 is your favorite.

Shadow:I'd have to go with the new Kart Racing,it gives the game way more replay value and fun,plus you can download more tracks.

Sonic News:Speaking of replay value,what kinda replay value does the Chao World give SA2?

Shadow:Well,it gave a extra push on SA,so I think it'll be great for Sonic Adventure 2.Can I go now?

Sonic News:Thanks for your time Shadow.