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Eggman Interview

The evil Dr Ivo Robotnik,or Eggman,gives us some insite on his new master plan on taking over the world.

Sonic News:It's an honor to have the great Dr Robotnik,Eggman*Cough*

Eggman:Yes,hurry up those stupid questions of yours so I can take over this disturbing site,Ha Ha Ha! :})

Sonic News:First off,how do you feel on sharing a birthday with the Blue Blur himself,Sonic the Hedgehog?

Eggman:Your joking right?You've got it all wrong fool!Sonic shares a birthday with me! :})

Sonic News:Ok,why do you think Shadow is helping you take over the world?

Eggman:Every one loves to help the great Dr Ivo Robotnik,Ha Ha Ha! :})

Sonic News:Alright Eggman,What wen't wrong with Chaos,and do you think Shadow might turn on you the same?

Eggman:That's silly,Chaos was a fool for turning on my genius,Shadow's smarter then that. :})

Sonic News:Even though you hardly have any fans,what's your thought on being in more games then Sonic?

Eggman:Well you know,no one can resist a rotten egg,Ha Ha Ha! :})

Sonic news:Now that your finally playable in Sonic Adventure 2,do you think you'll get more fans?

Eggman:What are you tring to say?I have fans,don't I? :}(

SoniC news:This rumour has been going around for years,is it true,did you really swallow a basketball?

Sonic News:Eggman?Hello?

Sonic News:Robotnik has left the building,thanks for your time Eggy!