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Sonic Interview

The wait is over,Sonic News gets a interview with the Blue Blur himself,Sonic the Hedgehog!

Sonic News:Finally you've got the time for a interview,thanks for coming Sonic.

Sonic The Hedgehog:It's no problem.

Sonic News:Now that Sonic Adventure 2 has been released,what are your thoughts on your new game?

Sonic The Hedgehog:Besides it being way past better then that cool SA,Sonic Adventure 2 is the way past cool game that'll give Dreamcast it's last sparks.

Sonic News:By the way, happy birthday.What are you doing today to celebrate your 10TH Anniversary?

Sonic The Hedgehog:I'm gonna go kick old Butt'nik 10 times in the butt,besides that I'll go check out that party for me in Japan.

Sonic News:What do you think of your new rival Shadow?

Sonic The Hedgehog:He's fast,but un cool unlike me.

Sonic News:Do you think there's some good in Shadow?

Sonic The Hedgehog:Oh yea,there's good in every one,all you gotta do is open your heart.

Sonic News:What do you think in 20 years Sonic Adventure 10 will be like?

Sonic The Hedgehog:Well I think it'll have extreme graphics,and it'll have to be on the Sonic Dreamcast 2.7000,which'll be the latest version.

Sonic News:Can you give us any info on Sonic # 100?

Sonic the Hedgehog:A close Freedom Fighter will be killed,all I can say.

Sonic News:Have a nice birthday Sonic,thanks.

Sonic the Hedgehog:See Ya On The Flip Side!