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Knuckles Interview

The tough,strong,and hyper red echidna is here for a interview.

Sonic News:Just a few days until SA2,do you think people would rather control you or Sonic?

Knuckles:Well,Sonic is fast,blue,and seems to have an attitude,but why pick him when you can pick a dude with way more moves?

Sonic News:Speaking of moves,tell us about your new moves.

Knuckles:Well I can swim,which Sonic can't,and I can do more different types of punches and so on which Sonic can't.

Sonic News:So who's Rouge?

Knuckles:Well she's after the Master Emerald that I guard,which I had to punch into peices to save it.

Sonic News:Why is she after it?

Knuckles:Buy SA2 and find out.

Sonic News:What new feature in Sonic Adventure 2 is yoUr favorite?

Knuckles:Wait a sec,it's Knuckles Adventure 2,not Sonic Adventure 2.Anyways,the best feature I'd say is the two player treasure search,foot race,or gun battle.Kinda brings back memorys of Knuckles 2.

Sonic News:You mean Sonic 2?


Sonic News:...........


20 Minutes Later

Sonic News:.........


Sonic News:Tell us about your friendly rival with Sonic.

Knuckles:Well it isn't a rivalry,since only time we fought was when Eggman tricked us.

Sonic News:Which level really shows the power of the DReamcast in SA2?

Knuckles:I'd say Aquatic Mine,it's amazing with the under water area where you could swim.

Sonic News:Will we see you in another game alone,lets say Knuckles Chaotix 2?

Knuckles:Not that I know of,but it's all up to Yuji Naka and Sonic Team.

Sonic News:Thanks Knux,for the interview.