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Amy Rose Interview

Sonic News Interviews the very lovely(the voice,ahh!) Amy Rose!

Sonic News:Thanks for joining SNews tonight,it's late but I'd like to ask you a few questions.

Amy Rose:Ok....But hurry up!

Sonic News:Now I know your very sensative about this,but how did you feel about your last appearance,which was SA2(Sonic Adventure 2).

Amy Rose:I'm not stupid,silly.You don't need the parenthesis!Anyways,I did enjoy SA2,even though*Wine*I wasn't playable!*Cries*

Sonic News:You did play an important role in it,you did help Shadow out on his promise to Maria.About your past,how did you meet Sonic?

Amy Rose:Well,even though he's the cutest thing in the world,and..*Goes on and on..*

Sonic News:Sorry I asked...*Whipes sweat away*What's your newest adventure about,Sonic Advance for the new portable game system GBA?

Amy Rose:What new game?Oooohhhh...*Wines*no one ever includes me in anything!!

Sonic News:Well,you are playable in this new platformer.

Amy Rose:You think i'm that stupid!I know I'm playable,why I should*Grabs her mallet and runs after*

Sonic News:That's all the time we*Dodges her strike*have!Thanks for your time Amy!