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Sonic Jam 2?

Is it true Sonic team is making a Sonic game that'll have every Sonic game from Sonic 1 on Genesis to Sonic R on Saturn?Lets hope this is'nt just a rumor.But if its true,what games would be in it?Would they put the game gear games too,and what about Sonic Cd ,Knuckles Chaotix? Heres what i've heard they might put in this so called Sonic Jam 2:Sonic 1,2,3 and Sonic & Knuckles,Sonic 3D Blast,Sonic R,Sonic CD,Knuckles Chaotix,SegaSonic Arcade,Sonic Game World,Sonic Fighters(Sonic Championship),Sonic X'Treme. This sounds excellent,lets hope this is whats gonna be in Sonic Jam 2(Or Whatever It Will BE Called).

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