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Sonic The Hedgehog #91 - November, 2000


Writer: Karl Bollers
Penciler: James Fry
Inker: Andrew Pepoy
Cover: Patrick Spaziante & Ken Penders

Sonic has prevented the Sword of Acorns from falling into Doctor Robotnik's clutches, but now it's in the hands of the notorious Kodos, Mobotropolis' former warlord. As if the situation wasn't bad enough, when some unexpected visitors arrive at Doctor Robotnik's doorstep asking for aid, it's up to Sonic to talk them out of such a hasty decision. But why aren't they willing to listen to him?

"Hired Guns"

Writer: Ken Penders
Penciler: Steven Butler
Inker: Pam Eklund

Knuckles is on the loose and more dangerous than ever. His fellow echidnas sic none other than the Weasel siblings Nack and Nic on his trail to bring him back. Could there be a showdown in Sonic's feature?
