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Sonic The Hedgehog #95 - March, 2001

Sonic News
"Enemy Mine"

Writer: Karl Bollers
Penciler: James Fry
Inkers: Pam Eklund & Jim Amash
Cover: Patrick Spaziante & Harvey Mercadoocasio

A trip to Robotropolis to rescue the roboticized Overlanders baffles Sonic and Bunnie, as many of the Overlanders haven't even been roboticized! Meanwhile, Kodos has gone over the top, affected by radiation, leading Sonic and Bunnie to assist Arachnis in battle against Kodos as they attempt to make their way through the Great Forest. Is Kodos' condition part of a bigger threat? Can Arachnis be trusted? And just what can Robotnik be up to by allowing the Overlanders to exist free of roboticization?

"When Destiny Calls"

Writer: Ken Penders
Penciler: Ron Lim
Inker: Ken Penders

And in the backup story - His fellow echidnas might not have the answers to Knuckles' problem, but Athair believes he does. He recruits Tails, along with Merlin Prower, to assist with the solution, leading to the moment many have asked for: the ultimate destiny of Sonic's major domo revealed...
