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Sonic The Comic Character Profiles

  Note:That These Profiles Are About The Characters From Sonic The Comic And Not SegaSonic.


Sonic The Comic
She has a crush on Sonic,she's a pink hedgehog that wears jeans and has a crossbow as a weapon.


  Bio Hazard:This thick slimey looking guy is part of the Sidewinders gang,since he's so thick,it makes him really slow and he always gets tricked easily if he isn't with the gang.


Sonic The Comic
He's second in command under Dr Robotnik,he also uses Robotniks brain patterns,which made this ruthless robot general wan't to kill Robotnik,which backfired and Robotnik ended up killing him instead.


  Captian Plunder
Sonic The Comic
Hint the name,this guy is the worst sky pirate you could ever imagine.His only two members that actually stay with him are Fletch the ghost and Simpson the cat.


  Charmy Bee:He's a member of the Chaotix and his mom is the queen bee of gold hive.


Sonic The Comic
An ancient creature that lives for the powers of the Chaos Emeralds.


  Chaotix:A group of guys who are freedom fighters that live in New Tek city:Charmy,Espio,Mighty,and Vector are the members,but Nack was fired for betrayel.


  Drakon Empire,The:Evil empire who give the powers to the Chaos Emeralds 3000 years ago until the Echidna stole them.They sentenced Sonic to be killed for killing a sentinel,but he was found innocent.


  Ebony:She owns a coffee bar in Metropolis and is Super Sonic's only friend when he became good.


  Espio:A member of the Chaotix who despises Mighty.


  Fabian Vane:One crazy Michael Jackson look alike and act alike,also Amy and Tekno had to save him 3 times in the past from his fans.


  Fleabyte:He's a bounty hunter who goes after Tails on two different times,he looks up to Robotnik.


  Fletch:A ghost who got shot by Captian Plunder in the head,he's a polterguist which makes him unable to pick up things.


  Flock: Group of sheep freedom fighters who are leaded by Sal,with second command of Sol Furic,they are located in the Chemical Plant Zone.


Sonic The Comic
Kinda the Snively of Sonic The Comic who invents all kinds of inventions that Robotnik gets credited for,but he's very much devoted to Robotnik.he's green and has 2 oxygen tanks on his back.


  Johnny Lightfoot
Sonic The Comic
Johnny Lightfoot is a rabbit with a metal stick that he uses as a weapon,until he was killed by Chaos.


  Knuckles:The Guardian of the Floating Island and Chaos Emeralds,his people were killed except for 2 others.


  Marxio Brothers:A mix between the Marx brothers and Mario Brothers,Chico,Harpio,and Parpio are 3 electritions who created the Casino and Carnival night zones.


Sonic The Comic
Is a being created by Dr Robotnik's Mega Mack which likes to pollute the Emerald Hill Area trying to flood it with himself.


Sonic The Comic
Advanced robot created by Grimer.


  Metamorphia:shapeshifter who was engineired by Grimer,she also had a crush on Robotnik until a Badnik version was made and Tails destroyed it,Metamorphia lived a normal life after it all.


  Mighty:A member of the Chaotix who is super strong and hates Espio(Another member of Chaotix).


  Mr Fly:A member of Sidewinders gang who's super week in one version but super strong in the other,he changes to form when Speckle takes his secret syrum.


  Norris Wimple
Sonic The Comic
Funny looking guy who likes to go UFO,Badnik,and Boot spotting.


  Omni veiwer:He's a giant tv screen that helps out the Chaotix in the Special Zone.


  Plasma:Arnum Abacus controls this pure energy creature until Amy defeated him the first time,then Sonic made Brutus defeat him.


  Porker Lewis
Sonic The Comic
He's excellent in technology,and he recently moved on the Floating Island with Knuckles.


  Robotnik:A evil scientist who lives only to try and take over Mobius,recently he wen't insane and now chears on Chaos to destroy the world.


  Shortfuse:A cyborg Badnik that Grimer made,which Shorty the squirel has full control of it's endo skeleton and fights Robotnik.


  Simpson:A cat who Plunder hates,but he's with the crew as a cook.


Sonic The Comic
Hero to all of Mobius,he's a celebrity and is the main character.


  Sidewinder:A villian who has a gang of outlaws in the Special Zone,he has powers of telepathy and has one goal which is to capture Super Sonic.


  Super Sonic
Sonic The Comic
Strong and powerful,after Sonic turned to Super Sonic he became evil until he got split to two.Super Sonic then tried to destroy Mobius,but lost his memory.He then set out to rid himself of his evil until he got in a fight with Chaos and became once agian evil.


Sonic The Comic
He's a two tailed fox and also side kick to Sonic,he is countlessly called to the Nameless zone where he was born.


  Tekno:A replacement for Porker and best friend to Amy,she's a canerie who creates helpful items for Sonic on some of his adventures.


Sonic The Comic
A ancient echidna and daughter to the echidna leader Pochacamac,she helps Sonic along the way,and is very kind.


  Vector:He's the leader of the Chaotix.


Sonic The Comic
evil cybernik who was created only to kill Shortfuse but instead Shortfuse killed him.


Sonic The Comic
The only other echidna alive,he hates Knuckles and wants him gone because he thinks Knuckles took his spot in life.

'SSNG' © Dread & Andrew. 'Dreadknux' and 'The Sonic Stadium' © Svend VJ. 'Sonic News' is © Andrew P. Content © SVJ/AP. Sonic the Hedgehog © Sega.