Knuckles Knock-Out Special [ summer 1996 ] "a first edition" [yeah, and the ONLY one ever published in the UK] Oh yeah, this got me excited back in 96! A knuckles special packed with action, adventure & NO hedgehogs! So, im gonna fish out my copy and give u NON UK tsf'ers a taste of the only knuckles comic for the uk! [And for the UK'ers, a taste of nostalgia!] As knux says in SA "Lets Go!" **Traitor of the lost pyramid** script- Nigel Kitching art-Mike White lettering- Ellie De'Ville We start of seeing Knux standing all alone on top of a high rock looking upwards. [Maybe he's waiting for a 747 to go by. ^^] Anyway, the panels give a little expo on what we allready know *yawn* . Name: Knuckles, guardian of the floating island. Next Knux turns to see a 'strange glow'. HEY, its the big mean Omni! and he's brought with him........the Chaotix crew! Knuckles says he's happy to see them all but he thinks it isnt a 'social call'. Vector [who looks a little strange, then again all of chaotix look a little....erm.....weird! Must be the 'newbie' artist on the block.] says that there after Nack. Knx remembers the little snitch and says that the last time he saw Nack was when he got injured by a blast from a Metallix [metal sonic]. This happened in the knuckles series "total chaotix" I think....... Espio says that they took Nack aftwards to the special zone where he would serve his sentence in prison hospital. But he got better sooner than the docs thought and he skidadled off! A little expo here folks. In STC the Chaotix are 'the guardians of the special zone'. This explains why they took Nack there. [Incase anyone was lost] Back to the KKOS! Vector [who's face resembles a snake ??!] mentions that since Nack escaped they've been on his tail. Nack has been tracked down to the Sandopolis Zone on the floating island. Thats why theyve come, to ask knux if they can venture into the sandopolis to get Nack. Knux agrees but on 1 condition. That he can also go along! They agree and usuing the viewer they go to the sandopolis zone. One tv channel turned next.....[sos, got carried away there!] They soon reach the required zone. They spot a huge pyramid which. knux " Thats IMPOSSIBLE the last time i was here i left it BURIED under the sand." This happened in STC#47-48 a cool 2 parter. Mighty spots Nacks craft sitting there next to the open doorway to the pyramid. But knux is more interested in HOW Nack got through the islands protective force field. Vector mentions that when it comes to technology Nacks got the nak! [uy >_<;] They venture inside the pyramid and Charmy provides us with another of his silly quotes. "boy oh boy it is sure SPOOKY OOKY i here!" [long term STC fans will be used to this if ur not, then I opologise for Charmy's behaivior.] They are next greeted by one of the pyramids many ghosts. [they look a lot different from the ones in the game!] Espio "YAAAAAA! The ghost puts its hand through espio. Luckily Espio isnt hurt and Mighty helps him up [woah, Mighty & Espio getting along?] Espio mutters that it was 'soo cold', and knux mentions that if they reach the light at the end of the tunnel the ghost go bye-bye. One speedy run later....... They reach the light and find.........Nack [who didn't see that coming?] Also in the room is a scarcofagus which would get nack a pretty penny. nack says that there very 'clever' to find him. Mighty says to nack that its over! Nack thinks its amusing. [END OF PART 1] Over the next few pages are profiles for the Chaotix crew. Followed by some 'chuckles with knuckles'. [Jokes page.] After all that we return to the story. [PART 2] Knux says that when he left the pyramid it was under the sand. SO, how did Nack get into it? Nack reveals all........ He has this little gadget that shrinks things. The sand covering the pryamid [which knus is standing in, it barely covers his shoe!] next he opens a chest to reveal all the 'booty' that was in the room. He had shrunk it all and put in a chest for ease of carrying! Knux still doesn't believe it! Nack decides to demonstrate! He zaps the scarcofagus down to minature preportions! Nack packs up the chest and decides its time to leave. Knuckles mentions that there not gonna let him 'just walk out'. A door behind Nack opens to reveal a stone guardian. Which Nack controls, he tells it to attack the others and exits. While the heroes ponder on there next move, nack realises he's dropped his gadget, no matter, and he trots of. The guardian smacks Espio, Vector, and mighty for their attempt to attack. Knux has a go but its no use, he then realises that the guardians were built to be indestructable. NOW WHAT???? Mighty tries to hold the thing but fails.. Knuckles picks up nacks gadget and has a brainwave! He minaturizes the guardian! With the guardian delt with they make there gettaway. Just in time to see nack escape. Charmy tries to get nack but theres a little thing called a dome in the way! Knuckles decides to use Nacks gadget against him! he reverses the polarity and zaps the ship. The shrunken treasure resize and blow the ship to bits! Mighty catches nack and the chaotix crew take him back to the prison. Leaving knux to do the cleaning up! [END] well, theres more! next theres the history of knuckles. 'A star in the making'. Juicin past a comp to win a 32X and Chaotix game , and a Micro Machines 96 advert [Mega drive / Genesis] We reach the half way point with a poster of knux fighting a needle nose badnik [art - Mike White] Next is the 'BIG K interview'. An interview with the red dreaded dude! After that is another comp this time, to win a knux plushie [a rareaty at that time in the UK] and a piece of original knux artwork. [this was the front cover of an issue of STC] **JAKES STORY** script- ditto as before art- ditto as before lettering- ditto as before We start of in the Mushroom hill zone where the emerald hill folk have been hideing from Robotnik. In the shadows lurks a figure [an eggrobo to those of u not in the know.] It looks through a window and spots a kid asleep in his bed. and stretches its arms out to......... The eggrobos spotted and it blasts off. Oh NO, the kid [jake] is gone! Could the badnik of nabbed him? The emerald hill folk decide to get knux on the case! Next we see Knux in the Lava Reef zone. Knuckles thought he had wiped out all the badniks on the island. Guess he missed one! Knux spots the badnik and launches an attack. Only to be swatted away. Knuckles lands next to a fire hole, gets up, and goes to attack again. The bot throws a punch and knux dodges it! Then he retaliates, knocking the tin can back YEAH! Knux thinks he cant be TOO hard, 'cos of the kid trapped inside. The badnik steps back into a firehole and sets ablaze. "NO" "got to save jake..only seconds.." The badnik blows up. "NOOOOOO!" Back in the mushroom hill zone the folk seem happy to see knuckles. They try to tell knux something but he has to do something important. He enters the kids house, thinking: "How will i be able to tell jakes mother what happened?" [...could you?] Jakes mum pops up and asks wether he took care of the badnik. Jakes pops up [much to knuckles suprise, he thought jake was in the badnik!] Jake says that he hid in the closet until the badnik went. Jakes mum asks knux if there was something he wanted to ask. Knux turns and walks out with a smile. "Oh never mind, it was nothing important" [END] whats next? a small badnik guide to Chaotix, plus an evenn smaller guide to the game. 1 crossword, a subscription ad for STC and...... **REFLECTIONS** art,script etc...all done by the same peeps. We start of seeing a rather grumpy looking knuckles walking through the mushroom hill zone. Pushes a pig out the way and smashes a building! [Gee, who got up on the wrong side of the Emerald Chamber this morning!] Knux says it about time everyone knew who their master is. KNUCKLES! From now on everyones gonna be his slaves! [say what?] then up pops a 2nd knux. But this one holds a cloaked Mirror. He shouts that the other ones an imposter. He walks up to Knux1 and says that he'll give him 1 chance to leave the island. Knux1 replies with a punch sending knux2 into the crowd. Knux2 asks the others to hold the mirror and NOT remove the cover! Knux2 hits knux1 [confused yet?] then knux1 hits knux2. And again...... Knux2 wins, he says that he shall give them 1 hour to dec