sonic the comic issue 1 [29th May 1993] COVER: not bad!, cool pic of sonic running into the screen. Don't know who drew it thoe. Shame. Well..this issue is where the Uk's numero uno comic franchise started. stc [sonic the comic] was published by fleetways. And it followed the sonic plot rather well. [ But not the jap plot, well we all know why don't we?] The Uk version is differen't from the USA version. The comic was split into 4 strips, sonic ,later other sega stars!, and other game strips. Inside the front cover is the control zone. Where there was the welcome screen, and the sega game charts. Also stc featured game reviews, news, Q&A [cheats] and finally a letters page named: speed lines, not bad for a name eh?.. ********sonic the hedgehog*********** ENTER SONIC script : Alan Mckenzie art : Anthony Williams lettering: Tom frame Well we begin in the greenhill zone, with our resident hero demolishing a moto bug. An animal is free and thanks sonic ''FREE thanks sonic!''. But watching this is the diabolical eggman Robotnik [all say BOOO!] Who states that sonic may have escaped the badniks but. He has a plan to finnish the hedge-pig [his pun not mine]. And take over Mobius all at the same time! The next page shows his latest machine. Robotnik says that it will ''crush sonic into a million Bitty hegehog Nuggets'' His machine [which doesn't have a name so lets call it the ring eater, you'll know why later]. Will never run out of fuel, because it feeds on the rings that are floating around. [ See why now?] The machine will polute the planet, making it un-habitable for ever!!! Well in the next panel in the distance we see sonic speeding along. ''AH, there zooms the little blue speedball now...EGGS-ACTLY on time!'' Sonic has heard about the Robotniks machine and is planning to stop it, easy! But just to delay him Robotnik sends out a badnik patrol. Quick as a flash Sonic smashes them all freeing the imprisioned furries. As they are free'd they shout to stop sonic! Sonic screeches to a halt, they tell him about the machine and that it will gobble him all up. Well thats not gonna stop sonic is it? of cource not. He reckons that he can smash it before Robotnik can even tell he's been there! BUT up ahead is a rock fall. This bit is split into 4 panels, sonic spots some badniks and rolls down and up the other side and smashes the badniks. He's going too fast and he goes over the edge below is a spike trap, YIKES !, a batbrain is just flying by.....BDOP! Sonic lands on it and bounces over to the safety of the ledge near by [ skill! ]. Inside is Porker Lewis, sonic tells porker to be more carefull and speeds off PORKER: ''He's my hero!'' Seconds later, sonic finds the machine and goes full pelt...... ''SUPER SPIN ATTACK!'' Now at the speed sonic's going. Not much is gonna survive an attack is it? Does the machine?. Sonic smacks into it! and it blows up! Robotnik makes his egg-scape. And claims to have something BIGGER instore for sonic! Sonic on the other hand is rather pleased with the results: ''Another threat dealt with. How do I do it?'' The animals wanna party down but sonic can't. ''No time, guys looking for Tails- Havent heard from him for days. Got a feeling he's in BIG TROUBLE!'' With one fast cheerio sonic speeds off, and thats it! Well for a first story, that was quite good! the artwork is also good. But, Richard Elson [premieres #9] does the art work miles better! The machine blowing up was the best part with sonic hitting it ''with the force of a cannon shell'' If you thought that this was good you ain't seen anything yet! overall I'll give it a........9 / 10 warrior chu