Sonic The Comic#10 [2nd October 1993] Ay' up there fellow sonic fans! Were back with another issue of STC! ^^ cover: Decap attack............bleugh! ******sonic the hedgehog********* "MegaTox" script: Nigel Kitching Art: Richard Elson Lettering: Tom Frame We start of in the Chemical Plant zone, where a penguin with a green mack on, and a silly south park style hat walks on to the scene! He seems a little cheerful! He is at some plant where the good people of Mobius are forced to work. By Robotniks relentless soldier badniks! The bots ask why he's so happy. "Oh, i suppose I just delight in serving our glorious ruller Dr Robotnik." The bots agree and the penguin walks of "Blow it out yer tubes!" Sound familier?? He walks over to the 'level1' floor, and takes a peek...... "OH MY..." Now I would complete this statement BUT.........I'd better not 'cos this is a kiddy comic! Not an adult manga! What the penguin see's is the poor citizens being put to work against their will. "Get away from him you tin-plated JERK!" Shouts the penguin as a robot lifts his electric wip to a helpless furry! Its............SONIC! Yep! Sonic looses his dusguise and makes short work of the badniks nearby! BTW: this alter-penguin-ego, u'll see a LOT more of in the further issues! 'is name is Bob Beaky....*sniggers* Reminds me of a certain Blackadder episode! With the badnik soldiers out for the count. Sonic leads the peeps to a metalic tunnel. "Ive got everything figured out this way" HOW many times have you heard that kinda thing? We all know its gonna mess up! Or will it? well, if it doesn't then this wont be a very good issue will it? *ahem* allow me to continue! Our furry heroes venture on down the tunnel, which is covered in a pinky goo! [candy floss?........nope!] furry: but sonic, theres no way out here! And people say its haunted! sonic: Haunted? Do me a favour will you! And abra-cadabra out pops a grabber badnik & nips the just spoken furry. sonic: "im on it" "I can deal with badniks like these in my sleep!" And he does too! Out pops a badger furry [say it with Chu........AAAAAAAAAAW MUITO KAWAAIIIIIII! ^^] He thanks sonic for saving him, and they continue onwards......... we see an opening in the tunnel "uurrggggghhhhhh" wassat? read on! Sonic helps the furrys down and gets a goo-load in his face! [geddit?........sorry bad joke] Next panel......... we see sonic standing in the pinky goo with a.......head like thing above him connected to the goo! "once I was a scientist working with Dr Robotnik [snag numero uno] on a chemical called MEGA MACK [remember Chemical Plant from Sonic2 ????]. A chemical designed to destroy you!" He/it/whatever! also says that this chemical ended up flooding his compartment where he worked.........instead of being killed, the mega mack became part of him. Changing him into the hidious creature in the comic!.......yuk! well, thats his story done! Sonic has heard enough! and decides to smash straight through the goo.....mega mack! After asking what its special power is though! Mega Mack gives sonic a demo! Cover him in the goo! This will stop him from breathing and.........well u get the general idea! Sonic goes into a run and tries to rip it apart. Luckily he frees himself. BUT the MM is still there! next MM comes back with 4 or so heads! [AAAAAAAAA its Meduca! cover ya eyes!] MM: You cant destroy me sonic! iam one with the mega mack. Iam INDESTRUCTABLE!! sonic: OK, slimy you asked for it! Sonic dives in and tunnels down into the ground and out of the complex. Then he goes back and creates a kinda well this is what he says: "All I've got to do is make like a propeller and suck the megamack through this hole" Suprise, suprise......he makes it! and there goes MM! heads an' all! All that is left is to get the furries out the zone & back to freedom! end. overall: I'll be honest. When I first read it years ago, I thought it was past cool! But, reading it now.........its not as good! Ah well, Richard does the art so thats perfect if nothing else! Not a bad story line.........flows nicely. Plenty action........but BOB! I mean! why choose that name for an elter ego? *sigh* IOACB! [Its Only A Comic Book] well, I'll rate it: 7/10 not too bad, but could be better! Warrior Chu "Official reviwer of STC for the TSF"