Hello! I am Superpopo42 and this is my first Review for a Sonic Comic. For this, I decided to choose one of the best ever arcs for Sonic The Comic: The Chaos Saga. This was the final arc of the Fleetway Comic before it went into only reprints. Upon hearing of its cancellation, I simply had to submit this. Sonic The Comic #175 Chaos Arc Part 1: "The Coming Of Chaos" Script: Nigel Kitching Art: Richard Elson Lettering: Ellie de Ville We open on Doctor Robotnik and his assistant Grimer, in their stony, noxious base in one of the New Zones. In the previous story, "Game Over", Robotnik had been absorbing Mobius' energy using the technology of the Plax, a "Plastic Alien Android" race. Excuse me aren't Androids supposed to resemble humans? Sorry, I'm getting off the point. Anyway, Robotnik absorbed Mobius' energy, and became a god-like omnipotent Super being intent on killing every single being on Mobius. ("You people had your chance to become my mindless badniks and you blew it!") His energy was sapped by Shortfuse the Cybernik, and returned to Mobius. Robotnik was believed to have been killed by a rockfall and the end of "Game Over", but. Here I believed the comic was at its high point of developing Characters. Robotnik here is portrayed not as a mad dictator, or lackey of another mad dictator, as in previous issues, but as simply as someone who has given up all hope. Just sitting on the throne of his forgotten empire, brooding. The Segasonic Robotnik would never have thought of giving up. Kudos for STC for doing this, something no other Sonic Universe has done so far. Grimer tells him to cheer up, saying he'll kill Sonic yet. Robotnik responds by knocking Grimer, and the stones he has made for food over, saying never to mention THAT name in his presence. Quite similar to Nutzan Bolt, the great Tails Baddie ("You said the 'S' word!") Grimer realizes that he must do something to get his master back in that genocide groove again. In Emerald Hill, at Sonic's base, Sonic is telling Kintobor (Who is now an odd-looking computer graphic) to stop looking for Robotnik, as he is sure to be dead. Amy (who now suddenly looks like her Sonic Adventure counter-part!), Porker Lewis and Johnny Lightfoot disagree, saying that if he is alive the planet is still in Jeopardy. Sonic laughs it off; telling the gang not to worry (That'll soon change.) Porker detects signs of a monster in Metropolis City. (How come Metropolis looks nothing like Metropolis Zone in Sonic 2?) Sonic, Tails, Amy and Johnny decide to check it out, and decide to blast off in a four-seater vehicle like some superhero group I can't remember. Excuse me, but I think the panel at the bottom of Page 3 would look much better if they used the Tornado. It can be converted into a two-seater, as seen in "Badnik Bridge", and with Sonic on the wing, Tails flying.aah.We are also reminded of Porker's lost nerve, due to his experience with the Brotherhood of Metallix on the Miracle Planet. I really like Porker, and writing this makes me feel very nostalgic. In Metropolis City, we see the Mouse Police are to stop Chaos with a "Graviton Cannon", but are having no such luck. Chaos' STC modeling is very different from Segasonic's or Archie's. His design does better over the storyline, but here he just looks unfinished. He is missing his crests, has a mouth, and facial features. In SA, Chaos just has a pair of Emerald eyes, and a brain. The STC design makes him look like an alien. wait...it makes sense later. Sonic shows up, rushes to attack the creature, but is overcome with fear. Nigel Kitching has added yet another plot point that never occurred before. The idea of Chaos inducing fear is unfounded, and changes the interpretation of the character totally. In the game, Chaos is a caring, loving creature, who only turns to violence due to the thoughtless actions of the Echidnas. In STC continuity, he is a ruthless killer, completely without care for others around him, only concentrating on his only goal. I thought Eggman did that. This is one of the few negative points of Chaos, but in some ways it helps development of the other characters (See next issue). Tails and Johnny also attack Chaos, with the same results, this time, bringing out their eye colour. Why? Isn't Tails supposed to have blue eyes? I'm being picky again. Everyone deduces that Chaos causes fear, and they must face their fear. Chaos reminds me of the monsters who appear at the beginning of the Sega Saturn Masterpiece, Panzer Dragoon Saga on page 6. Sonic runs at the creature again, blotting out his fear and making physical contact this time, but gets trapped inside! I love the pictures of Sonic inside Chaos! Sonic struggles frantically, and is excreted by Chaos, who exits into the Sewer. The Freedom Fighters rush to help their leader, see that he now has green eyes. Well, that was fun. I like Robotnik's throne-room scene at the beginning of the story the best. Almost any thing with Robotnik in is great in my book. Chaos' Character isn't developed at the point. It is also the last story in which Sonic really displays his happy-go-lucky, nothing-in-my-way nature. I like the SA makeover of the characters, apart from the messed-up eye colour. Speaking of that, most of the western Sonic continuities have committed a grievous error regarding eye colour. SatAM, AoSTH, Archie, SU, even my beloved STC please take note, ROBOTNIK'S EYES ARE NOT BLACK AND RED! THEY ARE MERELY HIDDEN BY GLASSES! Sorry, but that has been bottling up inside me for nearly a decade now. I especially like Sonic's makeover. On another unrelated point, in SA, Sonic really looks similar to Chaos with his longer spikes (NOT QUILLS! SONIC IS NOT A PORCUPINE!) I'll probably write a review of #176, if I get round to it sooner or later. Goodbye, Boomers! Overall 8/10