sonic the comic issue#184 ( 28th june - 11 july 2000 ) This is it........the FINAL new sonic story in stc. After this issue its 32 pages of reprints. So did STC end with a big BANG or not? [ don't make me laugh! HAHA ] lets find out shall we? front cover: sonic,knux & amy lying on the floor with super sonic looking triumphant. With the words: " SUPER SONIC TRIUMPHANT? point of no return of sonic and the gang" yeah, 'cos u lot can't be ar*ed to think of any new adventures. **Cough** excuse me!! HANG ON.....before I start. Let me bring u all up to speed OK? STC's final story was the adaptation of sonic adventure. Now usually there good when it comes to game adaptations. SCD was good, so was S3D. but this was blummin awfull. Here's why: Ya see in STC there's these evil villans called the Drakan empire. A species of UGLY fish's who have cool tech. & Theve got a lot to answer for too. Ya see in stc, chaos was not a water beast but a drakan who was caught by the echindas and put in a tank of water. Sonic is sent into the past by Pachacamac, who can see into the future [hey it gets better (sarcasm)]. He brings sonic back to help them defeat the Drakan who are after the the chaos emerald mines [geeesh]. Tikal [hey now thats a good sign...'cause she's cute!] helps sonic get up to speed. With was' going on. Once the echindas hav a drakan the others come back to rescue it. But in the battle one fires at a chaos emerald. By accident. Everyone hides and seconds later the chaos energy merges with the wet fish to create chaos. [Now see what I mean when I say its blummin awfull. Chaos looks like the US version Of Godzilla but after taken 10000000000ugly pills] Absolutely nothing at all to do with the game what so ever. Lastly the only redeeming feature: knuckles, lived back then....then somehow gets frozen till the present day. Obviously to guard the chaos emeralds. Only after all the time gone. He don't remember his former life. This sorta should of come from the archie sonic comic. Its the sorta thing they would of thought my oppinion anyway. SUPER SONIC: Lastly just so u USA'ers know was going on when I mention super sonic. This is sonic's dark side. kinda.......Ya see in the early issues whenever sonic got stressed he would tap into all the ring energy he had collected and turn super. Or just power up on a chaos emerald. But sonic would be bad not good. Probably something to do with the negative energy or something like that. After sonic,tails,amy use the Kintobor computer to seperate the good and bad from sonic. SS became a seperate entity, later on SS loses his power & can't remember anything wot-so-ever. He meets Ebony a cat who can use magic. And they become friends! here it is the FINAL episode: point of no return [...because Fleetway/Eggmont can't be bothered to think of no new adventures*] [ * thats just my addtion to the title by the way] art = Richard Elson [ the uk sonic comic art God] lettering = Ellie De Ville script = Nigel kitching "Chaos has finally succeeded in absorbing all the chaos emeralds!" "The situation seemed hopeless..untill Ebony and super sonic suddenly turned up!" Lets in panel 1 we see chaos perfected with super sonic floating inside! watching is Sonic & co & Eggman Robotnik with his creepy sidekick grimer. Sonic snaps at Ebony telling her that if SS manages to steal the energy from chaos he will become evil again. Ebony just says that he's WRONG. SS is her friend and that he would never hurt anyone again. In panel 3 chaos dissapears in a cloud of dust. Sonic: "Yeah, well we'll just see about that wont we?" [talking to Ebony.] And surprise surprise, SS has managed to do it! Chaos is no more but a small harmles Drakan fishy. super sonic: "It..It worked Ebony.....I only exist as chaos it was easy for me to absorb all of chaos' power!" SS looks normal right now. And Ebony says that she was right all along! SS turns to sonic & says that he remembered what sonic had said. About SS turning back into a monster after absorbing all the energy. Then he turns to Ebony and says that she was the only one to believe in him!!! " but you know what..?" "you should of listened to sonic!" FZZACK! SS is back to his usual evil self. And he blasts everyone sending them flying! Then he says to the I mean Drakan, that "take away all of your fancy powers and your just some ugly talking pond life" [ gotta love that quote! ] So SS waves bye-bye to the fishy and lobs it away. And it lands in a pool next to Big the cat. [Yep, thats all he gets 1 cameo.] With the fishy out of the way we go to our DRAMATIC climax to the comic [oh pleeease im gonna bust a gut laughing.] Tails decides to bonk SS on the noggin* [*head]. And SS says this: "Hey, its the little 2 tailed fox..isn't he a cutie? everyone loves tails................everyone except ME-I hate CUTE!" SS blasts Tails away like a fly! Luckly tails is Ok!, he's a lot tougher than some peaps think! Sonic then says that ss is an evil version of him so.........its up to him to STOP it! sonic: "Hey sparky-lets cut to the chase shall we? its me you want..or are you to SCARED to face me one-to-one?" So the 2 forces face each other for the final face-off. Oh Sonic has a good quote here: "Its your move goldilocks". Next Grimer says that Robotnik set all this up and that.........he QUITS!!! Meenwhile SS and sonic are holding hands! Doing some sort of fighting...........look I dont know! SS cant decide on something. Sonic asks what it is, SS says that he can't decide which way to anhilate him. Theres so many ways to do it! Sonic can't take much more as he's having to neal on the floor. He shouts to Ebony to do her stuff. So she does.......and. Sonic starts to wrinkle!......and disapears in a cloud! Amy: "Your stupid spell didn't work YOU'VE DESTROYED SONIC!" This is what SS thinks..."Looks like your magics BACKFIRED Ebony! you made the wrong hedgehog vanish!" But then SS starts to feel strange as he starts to go blue!! And Sonic stands in his place. Sonic: "And im the real sonic, not you! youre going back where you belong-back to non-existence" Knux asks wether sonic's ok. Sonic replys saying that SS was an evil version of him. That he used to turn into in times of great stress. tails asks what happens if he gets stressed again. [Nout, 'cos this is the final story.] Sonic ends the story with this: "Maybe nothing, tails old buddy! But if it does, we'll deal with it...... ........we allways do!" The final panel shows sonic,tails,knux and Ebony. Looking up we can see an image of Johnny Lightfoot [R.I.P], and thats it folks!................ FINAL THOUGHTS............. Please......don't egg me on. It was a PATHECTIC ending!! Where was the final battle against Robotnik? And with chaos being beaten by SS absorbing all its energy........oh please don't insult me. Now I LOVE STC!!! It was the UK's numero uno comic for me. And having that as a final adventure was just one big INSULT! We deserve more than that. A heck load more infact. art= Extremely good, but as Rich Elson was doing it. Thats not a surprise. As he is the best artist at STC. Story= rubbish! so all I can say is this..........Fleetways let us down BIG TIME, its bad enough that there's no new adventures on the way. But the least they could do was give us a DECENT finale! Not this rubbish piece of crud. Final Verdict: Good, but not good enough for a finale. Archie PLEASE don't do the same to our US siblings !, learn from fleetways mistake. out with a bang or no bang = not even a wimper. Appauling! w-chu