sonic the comic issue 2 [ 12th June 1993] With issue2 there was a free funky stc badge! AND, lets make a note of this.....Issue#2 was Tails 1st appearence! Cover: good pic of sonic jumping, again we don't know who drew it! anyway, on with the main feature: ***********sonic the hedgehog******************** ROBOFOX script: Mark Millar Art: Woodrow Phoenix [ no joke!] Letter: John Aldrich We start by seeing sonic, calling for tails in the Green Hill zone. But no ones around, [ ???] until....sonic spots a grey rabbit cowering behind a bush! sonic: "HEY you!, whats going on here? Where is every-body?" rabbit: "P-Please...D-Don't hurt me!" sonic tells the bunny to 'get a grip'. Since he ain't gonna hurt it. [ Well, there are BETTER ways of putting that ] He also mentions that he just got back from the Marble Zone. And that he had something for tails. The bunny tells him that no-ones there anymore.[GEE, thats a no-brainer] Sonic says that Tails 'loves' the zone. Bunny [ he ain't got no name so I'll call him bunny!, not the archie bunny that is]. Tells sonic that Robotnik just came along and took everyone, his mum, dad, auntie etc... And Tails. And that he's the only one left in the whole zone! Sonic sits on a rock and puts some new trainers on. Sonic reasures the bunny that everythings gonna be fine. 'Cause he's here! bunny: "But who are you?" [Im saying nout on this one!] sonic: "You must be new around here- the names SONIC. I sort things out" Sonic blasts of leaving the bunny awestricken! next we see a bunch of Buzz Bombers, :) BB1: "Look over here! I can see something moving!" [ for all you americans. That something moving is Sonic, no surprise there then?] BB2: "I thought we'd wiped out the last of those awful little creatures!" BB1: "Ive got an idea, lets kill it!" Up ahead are some choppers, sonic bounces off them and hits the BB's head-on! After freeing the captives, sonic races onwards but he's got a hunch. sonic: "Now for tails, I have good idea where he is!" Watching sonic is that no-good, evil dictator Robotnik. Robotnik: "what a laugh this is going to be. Sonic the hedgehog back from the marble zone-ont to save his little foxy pal eggsellent!" OH, NO what has happened to cute little Tails?,,,,,,,,,, Robotnik: "you think you can tackle that blue streak Tails? I hear he's VERY fast" Could this mean that poor Tails is a badnik?, well if you haven't figured it out from the title then shame on you! robofox is basically, Tails wearing metal parts. Covering his arms, legs, 2 tails and half his cute furry face! Sonic races around the bend and stops! tails: "sonic?" sonic: "tails?" WHAM! tails launches a spin attack sending sonic flying! [ from the issues I've read of stc, this is the closest you get to sonic & tails rumbling!] Sonic lies on the floor, as tails tells him how he allways hated being the sidekick. How he was allways left to play in the green hill zone. Sonic comes back by telling him how he LOVES's that place. AAARGHH! remember sonic1's [megadrive/genesis] green hill boss? thats what robotniks using now. The ball hits sonic straight into the wall! While Robotnik blabs on about his new plan: to turn the people of Mobius in to his badnik slaves! Tails suddenly realises that what he's doing is bad. Just as well as sonic's getting beaten! tails: "N-NO this is WRONG! sonic's my P-Pall!" just as Robotnik's about to administre the final KO, Tails attacks! tails: "GET AWAY FRO MY PALL EGG-BREATH!" tails: "super spin attack" Tails leaps straight into Robotnik.........BOOM! This explosion leaves a HUGE crater with sonic & tails sitting dazed but generally un-hurt! sonic: "hey, that was some move, you Ok?" tails: "a little shaken at least the exo-skeleton took most of the blast!" We see Robotnik egg-scaping. [LOL] Robotnik: "curse those little creeps! one I can handle with-but two! I'd rather watch a whole episode of ELDORADO!" [ this was some stupid soap we had years ago, it lasted about 10 episodes before it got canned] Sonic says that he can't leave tails alone for 5 minutes before he gets in trouble. Tails tells him not to "rub it in", and that he can't belive he attacked sonic. Sonic: "yeah, well there's not a badnik made that can beat me. Besides it gave my new trainers a good work out" Here there's a pic of sonic holding the melted trainers! sonic: "UH,,guess they couldn't keep up with me!" They trot off together with sonic saying that the power in him. Is awesome enough as it is! and that he don't need new trainers anyway. sonic: "come-on tails, lets get you home before you get in any MORE trouble" THE END! COOL, I think this issue was much better than the first! Tails is drawn just like he looks in the game, well done Pheonix!!! A not bad plot. Shame the sonic strips only 7 pages long. it needed more depth! And whatever happened to the bunny?, we'll never know, shame! OVERALL: lets see........A nice intro for tails!, we see a lot more of him, maybe his own series??!!!. Plenty action, so Im gonna give it a...........10/10, YEP, its a classic simply for tails getting his first appearence! Warrior Chu