sonic the comic issue 3 [26th June 1993] Gosh, another fortnight gone already! And another issue of STC to read JOY!. Cover: A pic of sonic juicing through the water chased by three chop-chops. Remember them? With this issue was a cool giant sonic poster. [Well...giant to a kid anyway] With sonic and Tails holding on to a bar. Basically the same pic as on the front cover of sonic adventure gamebook#1 'Metal City Mayhem'. You USA tsf'ers have probably never heard of MCM before eh? Its a UK book, ask ya fellow Uk tsf'ers on the MB for details. anyway onwards to stc#3 *******sonic the hedgehog********* MAYHEM IN THE MARBLE ZONE script= Mark Miller art = Casanovas [??,thats what it says] lettering = Elitta Fell This story focuses on Tuftee. Sally's bro, No, not the satam Sally so stop drooling in the back! He's trapped in a hole in the marble zone. [sonic1 MD] with a platoon of baniks ready to de-capitate him, ooer! ROLLCALL! moto bug Crawlton Bat brain roller and 2 chaemeleon bots. Tuftee pleads for safety: "P-Please you don't have to do this" Chaemeleon1 "We know that, Tuftee.." " "2 "But flattening you with one of the masters weights is so much fun!" Tuftee: "Please I only came here to help my friends. I only wanted to save them from DR.Robotnik....Just like sonic would! [ AAAh, a heroes speach how touching!] Only the badniks don't give a toss. next we see Sonic leaning against a tre listening to some music. In the GreenHill zone. [Gee how many times have they made ref to the games now????, more than the USA one thats for offence Archie ] A speach bubble is in the same panel. Its Tails! "Sonic! Sonic!! He can't hear me. Have to do something DRASTIC" Tails kicks sonic to get his attention! "Hey sonic Tuftee's missing!" " HUH?, watch it Tails! your playing with FIRE!" [ Gotta love that quote! ] "s-Sorry but sally acorns here she's very upset" Behind tails we see a very distrought sally! She sobs and tells our two heroes the plot so far..... I'll sum it all up! Tuftee finds one of sonic's old sneaks. Runs off to be a hero like sonic. Sonic thniks there still could be a bit of power in them. Well enough to get Tuftee into a jam anyway. Tails asks what they should do......... "sonic...huh?" But sonic had already gone! Zipping through the greenhill like lightning. He juices through a 360 circle thingee and flys into a warp ring. [ You know what enables you to enter the special stage in sonic1,3,CD. Gee yet another game quote. Fleetways are on a roll baby YEAH! ] Sonic has overdone the juice and entered the special stage complete with emeralds! "WHOA, the special stage. Guess I picked up a little too much energy. Just hope I can get out of here in time" the marble zone. The badniks are having a ball [pun intended]. They are about to throw Tuftee into the lava.......or not......... chameleon "were gonna turn you into a of US!" Tuftee legs it in the oposite direction. full pelt THWAPP! straight into a wall. The badniks show Tuftee the robotizer. A huge machine with 1 eye. Just then the ground starts to shake....Its sonic! 1 sec later all but 1 badnik are blown to bits. Tuftee "SONIC my hero!" The free animals spot the lone motobug making a hasty retreat. Sonic zips infront of it only to see........ "OH NO, Crusher weight!" KTOOM! Tuftee shoots past and pushes sonic out the way. The motobug is now an ex-motobug!!!'cause sonic bops it. Tuftee's pleased that he saved sonic now he thinks he's a hero! Sonic on the other hand is not so pleased! "Yeah roght dopn't go all gushy kid!" EPILOGUE Tails is still in the greenhill zone comforting sally. sonic shows up and the 2 siblings are reunited once aagain! Sonic remebers one last thing...........grabbing tuftee he turns him upside down and removes the sneakers. "One last thing shortstuff [hey-wha!] don't mess about with things that only work for ME, remember there's only ONE sonic the hedgehog" END!! HMMMMMM...lets see.....artwork was not bad.....thoe tails did look like he'd been BUFFED up quite a bit, so did sally! The backgrounds were very detailed especially in the greenhill zone. [Here's one thought though........ all you tsf'ers with sonic jam go to the character museum. Sonic's side: Go to friends,,,,,,look at Ricky.....thats what sally was to begin with. For the Uk comic they gave him a sex change!! Ricky = Sally, BUT. If you were to look at Tuftee there's a likeness! could this be sally's original form? But changed to Tuftee????????/ questions eh! ] anyway, overall not bad. Script quite good, dialogue good. artwork see above, issue 3 gets........... 7 / 10 warrior chu