sonic the comic issue#4 (10th July 1993 -Gee thats a looong time ago eh!-) Shinobi makes the cover for this issue. BOOOO!, bring back sonic & tails! so "lets do-it-to-it"! fellow sonic fans!!!!! sonic the hedgehog************ Day of the badniks! Script =Nigel kitching Art = Ed Hilyer Lettering = Elitta fell We start of in the Emerald hill zone. [Don't get me started on the whole plot cock up.] We see 2 small furries, Stripes the badger, and Ruff the dog [now thats a cute name, eh girls?]. Stripes is trying to make sure that Ruff has not been seing things. Now what COULD he of seen? read on to find out fellow tSf'ers! Ruff reasures Stripes that he is 100% sure he has not been takeing looney pills. They reach a corner and peek round. Ruff [aaaaah! cute!]: SHEESH!, How many times do I have to say it? YES Im sure this is the right way, and it was definitely...........[ENTER DRAMATIC MUSIC PLEASE MYSTRO........] They see what they THINK [please remember 'THINK'] is sonic!!!!!! and run away thinking sonic's 'freaked out'. in the final panel of page uno[1] we see NOT our hedgehoggy hero sonic but a metal counterpart......and NO its not metal sonic either before u get excited! this was written BEFORE we [in the UK] knew about metal sonic. MEENWHILE............presumbly in the same zone........... We see sonic juicing along at super-sonic speed. And tails trailing behind shouting at sonic to wait a minute. Sonic leaps down a cliff and bounces of a spring. With tails falling in hot-pursiut. tails: You know I cant keep up with you...OOOOOP! The next panel shows sonic flying through the air with his sneaks glowing red-nice touch! Fianlly sonic lands in a lake with his feet cooling down. And tails can finaly speak hooray for tails. He explains that 2 guys saw him "destroying one of the gateways to the special zone" ya know a star post........hands up if ya forgot!.....shame on u if u did. Tails then says that he knows that it couldn't of been sonic but he knows what peaps are like. Sonic replys with this "hey don't hassle me kid......I'll take care of it" geesh, there are BETTER ways of putting it ya know. Now lets return 2 our 2 furries......Stripes & Ruff,[here i go again AAAAAAAAH!] discussing what esle it could of been. Stripes mentions that it was a LOT bigger than sonic. Ruff then says what else could it be.........hey, look at this panel what can U see in the trees? Look to the next panel for the answer........ Ruff & Stripes: BADNIKS! It looks quite weird like a 3 headed thingey! The next panel shows a what looks like a mouth open. And these mettalic tenticles come out. Stripes is caught and shouts to Ruff to run away. So he does Too late. The next panel shows 2 badniks. A mettalic badger, and a 3 headed robo dog!!!!! What about our cute furries? R they dead........done for.........eaten for supper?........nope, there now 'organic batterys' ooer missus! Now we go to the Aquatic Ruin zone. Or at least thats what it looks like anyway. Sonic & tails have reached the missing star post location....oh, its the emerald hill zone OOPS! my mistake. Sonic states the absolute obvious: "No doubt about it. Star post is missing" - like DUUUUUH! Tails says that whatever did it is more than likely far away now. KBLAM! Through the wall enters the sonic robot. Sonic: 'You realy think so eh?' Fight time! Sonic lauches a spin attack towards it as it flys in his direction. BDDANG! Sonic gets knockes down. Now sonic's a little bit dizzy [well he looks dizzy to me anyway]. The badnik leaps up while tails turns and thinks that he can't let sonic face the badnik alone! The sonic robot rolls into a ball with a face??!!! while tails climbs a pole.....Robo sonic fires its spines and sonic gets hit again! Just as the robots uuugly head looms over him we tails behind them on top of the pole ready to help. Why do I get the feeling that tails is gonna cock up?* Sonic launches a spin attack just as tails does the same [*heres why!] CRUNCH! they land on top of each other as the tenticles get closer........they grab sonic and he becomes an organic battery!!!! Tails freaks out while this happens, realising its his fault. So he decides to save sonic. Next panel: 1 fox [kitsune] VS 6 big badniks and............... tails: "Robotnik!".....[in a metal suit] with a metal tails. Buttnik gloats that sonic's much more usefull now. And that its much more of an improvement! then he spills the beans on his latest scheme. 'cause my STC reviews are aimed at USA sonic fans I'll bullet point throught it: His base is in the SPECIAL ZONE The only entrance to the SPZ is through star posts He wants no one entering his base solution: destroy all star posts reason for metal sonic uprooting the star post on page 1 [same as above] ONLY.............sonic still has his free will and grabs robotniks cape. sonic: "You didn't think this tin coat would be able to control me did you?" butnik: "well yes I did actually" Sonic gets him on the floor and grabs both ends of his moustache! And demands that everyone is set free. Or.......he's gonna try a spin attack still holding his moustache. Robotnik free's the animals then escapes using the jet boots on his metal suit. Lastly robotnik shouts back saying he's got BIG-plans. We end with sonic saying that he's ready to rumble! the end! FINAL THOUGHTS............. Artwork was very good!, tails looks like he does in the game! well done Ed!! Story wise.......good plot, nice beggining! but.......7 pages just is not enough. Overall another classic STC story. Roll on issue5!!!! 9/10 w-chu