Sonic The Comic issue#5 [24th July 1993] Well, after antoher fortnight. Its back, with more action! cover: whats Golden Axe doing there?, bring back sonic!!!! sonic the hedgehog************* "Lost In The Labyrinth Zone" Script - Mark Miller Art - Woodrow Phoenix [remember him anyone?] Lettering - John Aldrich Well lets get it on! Its 7am in the Green hill zone, and sonic's working out on a treadmill. He looks back at Tails [yaaaaay!] and asks wether he's anywhere near the speed of sound. Tails looks at his little thingie, and reads 750 miles. OOPS!, looks like you've got a liiiiitle bit more to go sonic. After that he takes a shower the middle of the green hill zone!.......[hey, there is a screen so little "tikes" dont get affended. Its not X-rated, u should be ashamed if you thought that!]. Sonic tells tails that he needs to work out more. And that he must be out of shape. 'Cos he needs to be the best there is. Then he BLOW-DRIES his spines!! Tails: Blow-drying your spikes....SHEESH..your so vain! sonic: "so Beautiful you mean buddy" [ insert ur own joke here!^^] After all that working out. Sonic gets hungry!......just look at whats on the menu! "200 burgers and fries". Sonic says that tails shouldn't worry. And that he's only gonna eat them 1 by 1. SUDDENLY! -BAM BAM BAAAAAAAAAAAAM- [SOS, I just HAD to do that!] The floor under tails breaks. And these....tentacle things grab sonic and pull him down. In the next panel, we see its some badnik [well, didn't aspect THAT did u? *saracasm* ] Folowed by 2 aquis badniks.[ well, sonic2 /MD/ Oil Ocean. Those flying buggers that fire firebals at u]. They reveal the badniks name: Arachbot. Well, its some badnik spider! Sonic looks down the whole with some furries. ROLL CALL.........Johnny, sally, and some blue cow. Sonic calls for Tails, no answer, Johnny says that tails is gone! Meenwhile the badniks scurry away with Tails. Who tells them that when sonic arrives, their history! While they give us some background: "welcome to the Labyrith zone, weve been digging down here for months. And now it stretches under almost half the planet" Arachbot, doesn't like tails So, one of the Aquis' fires sleeping gas at tails face. Nighty night! Sonic & co, have just climbed down and are after tails. But sally isn't to happy. She says that maybe its not a good idea. I mean we dont want to get lost in the labyrinth zone!, hence- the title! Sonic reasures them......and just misses a huge spikeball! which is swinging around. After that we see them flying....or......swimming, cant quite tell. The background is green! And theres spears firing at them! Back to the baddies!..... Tails is having 40 winks! The aquis' get out tails old robot suit. [From STC#2 "Robo-Fox", review on the TSF too!] They say that Robotnik, hasn't forgottern last time [see STC#2]. And that he's DETERMINED to make Tails a Badnik. Then he wonders what they would call him............!?! Back to the -hip- hedgehog! Sonic leaps over the spikes & warns the others. Soon they catch up to the baddies [p4 panel5] Arachbot turns around........ "What the heck is going on here?" Bye bye aquis'!!! Sonic smashes the badniks in 2 fell swoops! " its called AN ATTACK OF THE BLUE HEDGEHOG! get used to it! " [like that bit!] Sonic reaches Arachbot, who tells him that he cant be ripped apart. Because he's a PRIME BADNIK. A pure robot, no organic battery what-so-ever! TIDAL WAAAAAAVE! A tidal wave hits them from no where! The furries panic and get swept up. Sonic shouts back to tell them to help tails. Who is just coming too! "wuh? did someone mention my name?" The waves calm down. And tails wakes up properly. Tails: wh...where am I?" sonic: "no time to explain. pal! get moving that arachbot wants to rip us apart." Next panel show the arachbot going nuts! Shouting that they cant ever escape. Not, in his domain! Tails runs off with sally, while sonic empties the oil from tails old robot suit. Into the water. Tails says that sonic's crazy, while the bot gets closer!!! sonic: "cool it kid, the only crazy one around here is that tin opener" Then he activates the suits weapons system! FWOOOOSH! fried arachbot anyone??? The fire ignites the oil and Arachbot is on fire ~ literally! ^^ tails: your amazing sonic! sonic: tell me something I dont know! [can u see his ego getting bigger, or is it just me?] later.............. sonic has returned to the table with his grub on! " great! now I can back to breakfast! mmmm three hundred hotdogs, and a hundred thick shakes! Tails says that sonic is gross, besides.....had'nt he already had breakfast???? sonic: you gotta be kidding tails- that was just a first course! END! final thoughts...............** mmmmmmmm, not a bad story!, even thoe its er......8 years old! And phoenix returns to do the artwork........hmmmmmm, not as good a background as STC#2, but.......tails........YEAH!, that how to draw him! ^^ plot: good!, nice continuety with issue2! er...........still........7pages........not long enough for me! overall: yet another classic sonic adventure!!!, shame there all gone now [new ones anyway] ...........8/10 Warrior Chu "the official STC reviewer for the TSF"