Sonic The Comic#7 [ 21st August 1993 ] Well, 2 more weeks has past since the last issue. Lets see what our heroes are up to this time! Cover: Streets of Rage, BOOOOOOO! *********Sonic The Hedgehog*************** "Super Sonic" art - Richard Elson Script- Nigel Kitching Lettering- Elitta Fell We start of in the Oil Ocean zone. With sonic & tails on a rather small looking Tornado. They land to greet some guy in a rubber suit. After his helmit is removed we see its a lion [i think]. He tesitting at a pc. Well, sonic is, tails is just pointing at the screen! Above the monitor [screen] is a rendition of Kintobor! Tails: "but sonic, if kintobor was changed into robotnik like you said, howcum thats his face? howcum?" Sonic: "I'll say it just one more time tails. This is kintobors computer, The face is just a hologram to make the darn* thing easier to use" [*HEY!, i can think of a better word...] Sonic brings up a picture of Robotniks Death Egg. And says that its heading straight for the Emerald hill zone!! [see's a tsf'er put their hand up, "oh, dont get me started on THAT again!] Its time for action! Sonic heads for the tornado, with tails in tow. They head off for... "next stop Robotnik's Wing Fortress" Tails is a little confused on their destination!! [ ahh, bless him! ] "soon (but not soon enough for sonic)..." they reach the wing fortress. And tails docks with it!, sonic leaps off ready for action! On his way one of those chicken things with the guns pops up. And shoots at our hero. Only to miss! Sonic leaps down a hole [cool panel, this one!, ref:page3 panel2] And by accident sets the alarms off. "Thank goodness tails isn't here to see me walk into that one!". Now, this section is the boss of wing fortress, [??]. Remember? ya know the laser thingy, with the spinning platforms? [Everyone nods..oh yeah!..] Sonic, is dodging the platforms while tails calls down. Asking if everythings all right! "'course I'm all right! what could possibly be the matter? Get back into the plane!" Sonic leaps onto one and takes it for a ride. While the laser charges up!! Tails STILL asks if everythings ok. And Sonic still gives the same reply. But thinking that he hasn't got long to destroy the sonic spin later............ And its kaput! Tails pops up to see whats going on. Sonic says he appreciates the concern, BUT if he says that everythings ok. Then it is, tails says sorry and the two take off. Sonic tells tails that as he's there he might as well come along. Tails agrees and they reach the rocket to take them to the death egg. [Also taken from the game!] Tails asks if it will take them into space........Sonic says that they couldn't of flown there in the bi-plane. [Sarcasm] They take off, and tails almost looses his lunch! Inside the death egg. they meet up with an old badnik........any guess??? Silver Sonic. [Death egg boss#1] Two spins later and its trash! Sonic gloats over his victory while.......tails watches the descent become more faster. Sonic starts to press all the buttons on the control panel. And tells tails to take the escape pod and move out, STAT! Last page........ The death egg splash lands in the ocean. And tails is in the escape pod. [Nice parachuet!] tails talks to himself saying how sonic gave his life so that the emerald hill folk could live. But 'ang on isnt that a paw on the outside of the capsule tails is in? tails: "he was the bravest hedgehog i ever *sob* met..." sonic [ now sitting on top of the capsule]: "not to mention the coolest, bluest, and fastest thing on legs!" Tails rejoices that sonic is alive!, and they float off into the sunset! S: i suppose when we get back everyone will insist on making a big fuss of me again- big parties, that kind of thing? t: not if you dont want them to sonic s: are you CRAZY of COURSE i want them too! END! FINAL THOUGHTS............... WOWEEEE!, that brought back memories! Actual zones taken from the game. [Wing Fortress, Death Egg] And the art was well done! plus they kept the levels looking like they should off too! congrats to issue6!!! art= **thumbs up** plot= good sonic2-tie in Alas, if only ALL issues of STC were this good! A classic issue, NO self respecting sonic fan would da