Sonic the comic#8 [ 4th September 93] We return once more to the Uk's Numero uno comic. [ah, well it was.....once] Cover: whats this? Sonic turned BROWN? read on for the full scoop fellow sonic fans! *********sonic*************** " the origin of sonic" art- Richard Elson script- Nigel Kitching lettering-Elitta Fell [hey, 2 issues in a row!] NOTE: before u all start moaning about this being INCORRECT. Remember this is based on the SOA sonic plot NOT the original Jap one........thank you for your patience! "Night of planet Mobius" 3 furries stand there [Tails, Johnny Lightfoot {a bunny}, amd Porker Lewis {guess.....a pig}] Sonic races around a GIANT star post [i dont remember seeing them this big in the game] He says that only he can access them useing his sonic speed. And that inside is lots of crazy things. The other 3 grab onto one another and Tails holds sonics leg as they enter the post. Inside is the Special Zone from Sonic 2 [MD, Gen] They venture forwards past some bombs, and reach the "Omni Viewer" [basiclly, a BIIIIG Tv screen with a face!] Sonic: ok guys were here Omni: who is it who dares face the omnipotent [where's my dictionay when i need it!] Omni-Viewer? Sonic speaks telling the tv screen to cool down, imeadiatly after seeing sonic the face changes to a happy one! Sonic tells Omni [for short] that he wants to show his buddies the truth about robotnik. Omni: including all that crazy stuff showing how u got ur powers? Sonic: naturally, thats the best part! [modesty, eh!] Well, the big i mean Omni changes to show a re-run. We see a lab with a thin doc fiddling about and a brown and very spiky mammal popping up out of a vent hole...or something. In the next panel we see the docs face,.......AHHHH! some ones being taking uuuuugly pills! oh, 'ang on.........its Doc Kintobor. Doc: well, well, look who's dropped in! Erinaceis europaceus! [what?, where's the blummin dictionary] a brown sonic: watch who your calling names pal, your talking to Sonic the fastest hedgehog on planet Mobius! The Doc turns around and we see a machine with what looks like....chaos emeralds??? The docc asks if sonics seen the R.O.C.C [thats what the machines called by the way folks] Sonics too busy reading "An Idiots Guide To Quantum Physics" [man, i never knew sonic was into that type of books!] The Doc goes on the explain the machine. I'll give ya a quick run down! *clears throat* its called the R.O.C.C this abreaviates: [R]etro [O]rbital [C]haos [C]ompressor It uses the rings of Mobius, it transfers all Mobius' evil into 6 emeralds. He then goes on to say its his mission to 'rid planet Mobius of evil FOREVER'. Big job proff! Problemmo! The doc has been unsuccessfull at finding the 7th emerald. Without it, the ROCC's unstable. Asleep yet? No?....... then I'll carry on! The next panel shows Sonic [the brown one] in some sort of a wheel. Sonic [the blue on] says that the Doc just couldn't resist experimenting on him! This helped sonic to increase his speed! The doc also created sonic some sneakers. [the red & white stripped ones we all know]. This helped keep sonics tootsies from overheating! In return sonic would search for the missing emerald. One day, sonic's running in some hamster wheel like contraption [i need to phone the RSPCA for mistreation against hedgehogs!] and sonic started to run tooooo fast, the contraption couldnt take the heat..... .......and [all together now]....went......KA-BOOM! This blew the proff back & changed sonic into the blue hedgehog we all know. Sonic decided to stay with the doc and helped him out. One day the Doc feels a bit peckish and asks sonic if he also wants something to eat. Sonic check out the fridge......... to find 1 rotten egg. The doc says its 6months old. BUT with a little salt it should be ok. [NOTE: kiddies, dont try this a home, the docs a proffesional bonehead!] He walks of holding the egg, trips on a wire and lands on the ROCC control panel. The ROCC goes...........[cue....readers]......WHOOM! Sonic checks to see if the Docs ok, but....... a strange big shape in the smoke starts to emerge: dont worry about me, sonic! up pops Robotnik!: in fact ive never felt better! Sonic: Dr Ivo Robotnik? Butnik: eggs-actly end of re-run. Sonic tells his friends that they a know what happens next. The Tv........I mean Omni, tells sonic & co to get away quick. A bunch of tractor beams zip out and pull them into Omni. Poor Omno says he cant help it. Next we see Robotnik: "sonic is gone, trapped somewhere in the future where he can never interfere with my plans again!" "HA HA HA" end. The story continues in STC9.....c ya there sonic fans! Overall: Look at the final panel, doesnt it look like Robotnik only just fits into his ship [snigger]. Anyway, this issue covered sonics origin. Well, the US/Euro one anyway. The art was pretty cool! Plot?........well, it follows the plot perfectly! if only it was the PROPER plot.....oh well! The covers cool! not a perfect issue but a good one never-the-less! 7/10 WChu