Sonic The Comic#9 [ 18th Sept 93 ] HEY, were back for another issue of the UK's EX-numero uno comic! Cover: 'Ay up! Its that there Wonder Boy! Bring back sonic! " Back to Reality " [back to life.......back to reality...back to.....] <- anyone remember that 80's song?? art- Richard Elson [everyone on ya knees!] script - Nigel Kitching lettering - elitta Fell This adventure continues from last issue. [stc8 'the origin of sonic'] Incase anyone HAS NOT read my review for that issue. I'll give a quick re-cap for ya! ^^ Sonic shows his buds how he became blue. They venture into the warp of confusion AKA the special zone. Sonic re-meets the wopping big TV screen Omni! [hehe] But, roBUTnik uses Omni to trap sonic in the future! the story continues!....... " The Emerald Hill zone, Mobius " A screen appears in the sky with a face! Its Omni! Out pops sonic & co. Sonic asks the TV how he was able to 'disobey' Eggies orders. Since he had apparently taken total control of the special zone! Omni [the big TV screen, as I call it/him sei la!] Then says that he hasn't actually dis-obeyed eggies plan. That his orders weren't all that clear. He had been ordered to get rid of sonic! Sonic doesn't quite understand, but Omni decides its time for a tea break. And pops of for a cuppa. Porker Lewis [the clever pig] says that there's something sonic should see. its a big snot coloured badnik soldier. " This area is off limits. The penelty for transgression id DEATH! " Sonic gives it a spin attack, but theres no effect. So, he legs it up a steep wall with the badniks fireing at him. [And totally missing there intended target] Sonic re-bounds of the wall and comes back down to earth and the badniks end up shooting each other! Out from the wreckage pops two furries. A walrus [Joe walrus, maybe??] The walrus asks sonic if it is him! [audience - eh???] Sonic noteably PO'ed at this says: " 'Course its me. How many cool BLUE hedgehogs do you know? " ' But sonic, when you vanished six months ago, we al thought you were dead! ' Sonic looks quite lost now. Untill the bunny Johnny Lightfoot, gives us his oppinion: " He wanted you sent into the future where you couldn't interfere with his plans. WEll, He tricked Robotnik by only moving you six months into the future. That way he obeyed Robotniks but made sure you would be back to put things right. " still with me, in the back there.........??? Sonic decides that they should check out the place. Starting at the village. Which they find is.................... Not the way they remembered it! mug shots of Robotnik everwhere, his annoying spy eggs floating left,right,¢er. And the words......... DR ROBOTNIK IS WATCHING .........YOU. Sonic: i'LL GET YOU FOR THIS ROBOTNIK! In the village we see a furry, getting a roloking for not reporting to work when he was supposed to. Because of his sick wife. [Now whats more important? ya job or ya sick loved one???, the second one obviously] Sonic decides to stick his head in and attacks with a spin attack. Again, no effect. He moans that he cant really 'open' them 'cos of the peeps inside. ' sonic! its all right! These soldier badniks are just robots- theres NOBODY INSIDE! sonic - well all RIGHT! Now you're talking! He opens them like they were made out of paper! And spots one of those spy thingees. Then comes the heroes small speech: Listen up Robotnik I know you can see me. You've gone too far this time you maniac. I'm going to rid planet Mobius of you..........ONCE AND FOR ALL! Finally we see Robotnik having a think. He realises that somehow sonic escaped from his plan. But. Its far too late for him to be stopped now.! " can sonic survive in a world ruled by Robotnik? Find out next issue! " to be continued in my next review! overall: This is how STC goes from this issue onwards. So expect plenty of those soldier badniks. PLus sonic smashing them! ^^ hhhmmmmm, Ok I supose. Good plot, nice flow from last issue. PLus Richard E's trademark awesome artwork [can it get any better?] 8/10 W-chu " the official STC reviewer for the TSF " s nicely.