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The Sonic Fan Art Club -> Sonic Adventurer's Artwork Page 1
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Some damn fine artwork by our pal, Sonic Adventurer, and make no mistake. Take a looksie. - SSNG


Cherry-Echidna: SVT's second-in-command mascot has a girlfriend. SA's love of his life, Cherry-Echidna is copyrighted by Jessica Tynnant and is held under the protection of SVT.
Gina-Su Prower: Another SVT picture request from Gina Su Prower. In this picture, note that the emerald Gina's holding is not a chaos emerald but in fact a chaos quartz. Also, if you look behind her you can see a silouette of Gina's hubby, Miles "Tails" Prower.
Cherry & Sonic Adventurer: SVT's simple little love story continues with the hot couple Cherry-Echidna and SA. At this point of the story the two love birds are already married and are enjoying a nice little dance in their honeymoon suite.
Mariah Echidna: Another request from a pal of mine, Mariah Echidna requested I draw Mariah Echidna. This picture is of her taking a break in a nice summer resort. Now who would not like to be in her position right about now? Hmmm?
Sonia: SVT picture request from an anonymous RP'er. This is a picture of Sonia the Hedgehog from Sonic Underground, a cartoon that only lasted one season.
Anime Sonic: TOTAL ANIME Sonic in an "old style" coloring technique. You WON'T see a pic colored at this style again. So enjoy ^^.
Super Sonic: A nice "static" lookn' pic of our favorite 'hog gone Super. Yes, it's Super Sonic!
Ashura Streaks: This is SA without his armor. SA is me of course ^^. Actually, SA is jus a code name for my character when he's wearing his armor. Ashura Streaks is his official name. And here he is.
Ashura Streaks [2]: This is Ashura Streaks' new look. It's not too glamorous on the coloring department but something's something lol. It draws out a pretty good idea on how different SA looked then and now.
SA & Cherry's Children: The children of Ashura and Cherry Streaks. Sallee Anne is the eldest of the bunch. Followed by Rowanoak and then the twins, Mathias and Alara. This is an outdated pic though. We got a few more kids after I drew this hehe.
GoldPTrue: GoldPTrue is a friend of mine who requested this. I gave him the whole "grudge against SVT" thing out of humor. Funny thing though, he's now a SVT member.
SA & Cherry: Ashura Streaks and Cherry Streaks. *sigh* Lemor....
Cherry Dancing: I was in my room and thinking about how fun it'd be for me to actually be Ash. Then I thought how fun it'd be for Jess to actually be Cherry. And how much more fun it'd be to dance together. This pic shows Cherry dancing with me in her cutest dress ^^ and she's looking at me. No, you can't have her. She's mine!
Marina: Marina, the lone wolf. The princess of Megacentral, hanging her head and thinking.
Best of Brothers: Me and my bro...this is suppose to be a pic for the SonicVerse game.
Marina Badger: Marina Badger is the now princess of Megacentral (SA's homeland). Her quest is to bring back the destined prince of Megacentral, SA back. I doubt that'll EVER happen ^^ But it does call for some interesting comic series, huh? Can you say, SA mini-series?
Till death do us part: Ashura and Cherry Streaks. Till death do we part. Oh and don't worry, that kiss set off a chain reaction restoring my body to full health afterward. What got me so kinked in the first place? I was fighting some guy to protect Cherry and though I won, I got beaten pretty bad. Ya think? ;P
Erm...: This was a pic that I did. Of course. Umm, I experimented on it ALITTLE :P Heh. Umm...I think I knew what I was doing. Can ya see Ulala's reindeer head thingy at the end of Cherry's sword or Ulala's arm reaching out for her on the bottom? Don't ask...O.O;
A request...: Another request which took months to do coz I've been too busy. Eh, it's some guy Cecil asked me to draw. Course, I once did remember this guys name but I dunno...I'm forgetful at times. Oo;

Website: SonicVerse Team


'SSNG' © Dread & Andrew. 'Dreadknux' and 'The Sonic Stadium' © Svend VJ. 'Sonic News' is © Andrew P. Content © SVJ/AP. Sonic the Hedgehog © Sega.