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The Sonic Fan Art Club -> Dreadknux's Artwork Page 1
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Yepsies! A page full of pic-a-toires drawn by Dreadknux himself. A bit amaturish (indeed - Dread) compared to others he says, but they are quite good nonetheless. SSNG's own, Dreadknux, has the floor. - SSNG


Crazy Gadget: It's Sonic! And he's doing stuff! ^_^ Bashing 2 enemies and grinding on a rail in Crazy Gadget, right outta SA2. I thinks I am getting better at this... :)
Light & Dark: More Chao fun-ness, Hero Vs. Dark Chao! Who're you rooting for?
Showoff Chao: Another Chao pic, this time an adult Chao shows off his prize to a child.
Chao: A, well, pretty vacant Chao pondering on the many decisions and moods available to him.
Shadow: My first Shadow drawing, probably my best as well. LOL. Check out the Chaos Emerald he's holding. Natty.
SageFlame: Erm, back in the day when I was doing requests last year, I hardly got round to doing them. At least I got some finished (and SageFlame still doesn't know I've finished it ^_^#) - but this is probably my best Sonic-style drawing to date.
Andrusi: It's Andy V'ner! One of my old buddies asked for a pic-toire of him, so here's the result. Hope he likes...
Dr. Dre(ad): Well, it was bound to happen? The Sonic Community's best Agony Aunt, Dr. Dre(ad), has been 'lovingly' drawn by moi. I think it's time for his gruel now... lol
Amy Rose: My first 'bash' (at drawing, you odd boys...) at Amy, and it turned out pretty well. Conisdering how it could have turned out like, that is.
Amy. Is. Mad: A little 'funny' I did, Amy at a Jewellers, threatening the staff. Well, I never took into account legal action, did I? ^_-
Sonic Speed Freak: OK, this picture is below avarage. Leave me alone ^_^ It was a very quick sketch, back in the day when I never took any real time to draw Sonic pictures.
Sonic Speed Freak 2: That speedy and elusive Sonic has done it again... only really a picture to draw him running (albeit very badly), and to advertise mine, and my buddies, websites *subliminal message, anyone? LOL*
The Moogle Cavern: The Movie: The timeless Add-on classic that will never be forgotten here at SSNG at least, the Battle of Cowkey was immortalised when my pal Tenniru asked me to draw a 'cell' of one of the scenes. I'm thinking of doing more to make people forget this patheric attempt ^_^
Sonic Shuffle: A picture to outline the madness of Sonic Shuffle. One minute you can be winning, the next some dirty bugger comes and nicks off with your cards. Many a swearing word has passed to my TV screen because of this.
Sonic Battlers: You could say this spawned the idea for the Sonic Battle Stadium. You could say it was just a picture I drew to take out my anger at something. You could say I drew it just to see Eggman's funny pose. you could say I drew just to have Amy's panties thrown on Sonic's head (yes, I know.... :P)
Dreadknux: A self portrait of mah-self, this is. For those that don't know my background, I am God of the Echidna race, and protector of the HYPER Emerald, which lies in protection within the ruins of The Sonic Stadium...
H Hog [1]: First picture I drew of H Hog. Naff I know, the second one's better ^_^
Roareye [1]: T'is Roareye!!! The flipping-off-ness negative turquoise wonder. Hasbean's not here.
The Moogle Cavern: I have a lot of respect for this site - it's the place that re-lit my belief in Sonic, and helped me on my quest to make a website on Sonic. Kulock, I salute you! This was a possible Title Picture I made for him, after seeing the many different hilarious ones already on offer so far.
H Hog [2]: One of my best online friends (aside from Andrew), I drew another picture of H Hog. Now, that's better. I love the background... my best yet.
Roareye [2]: Roareye again, after the last effort, I thought, was rubbish. But, I forgot his eye colour! >_< Still, Hasbean's been added into the mix...
Tenniru: My good pal, Tenniru, or Tenn as I call him. He owns a Mac *Is Shot*. Sorry. ^_^ I drew him because I was open for requests at the time, but I missed out his arms and not his torso, and it's supposed to be the other way round, ah, never mind. ^^
Joshknux: Another picture, of another good mate of mine, Joshknux, or Joshu. Dunno if his attitudes changed, but last time I checked he was pretty much against the potato...
Matrixx: _Another_ request, to old pal Matrixx. All these people I met on the Moogle Cavern Message Board, just so's you know. ^_-
Showoffboy: Last request I did in that line of picture drawing, this time my mate Showoffboy, fantastic spriter that he is. We all love him. ^_^
Misunderstood Sonic - #1: My original series of Amy and Sonic's up and down, heebie-jeebie relationship. Amy keeps hitting it on, but Sonic always tries to get out of it, or misunderstands. This series focuses solely on that. Misunderstood Sonic Series is entirely the © of Dreadknux. Episode 1 - A One Night Stand.
Misunderstood Sonic - #2: More Misunderstood Sonic stuff. This one is titled Episode 2: Doctors & Nurses. Hate to be in Tails' position.
Misunderstood Sonic - #3: Another Misunderstood Sonic episode. This one is called Episode 2: Wrestling. Poor Sonic.


'SSNG' © Dread & Andrew. 'Dreadknux' and 'The Sonic Stadium' © Svend VJ. 'Sonic News' is © Andrew P. Content © SVJ/AP. Sonic the Hedgehog © Sega.